Removing brackets at dataframe or list [Python]


I’m tryin to remove bracket and split a part of a string that duplicated in column 0 when I create a new DF or list with this two columns from a csv:

indice Password Status     Priority Arrive time        Call time    Begin        End      Standby Time  %TME    TME         time_raw
0   1   NB0001  Atendida    Normal  28/11/2022 08:01    08:02:24    08:02:42    08:13:54    00:01:19    100,00% 00:01:19    00:00:02
1   2   NB0002  Atendida    Normal  28/11/2022 08:01    08:03:54    08:04:21    08:12:33    00:02:20    127,85% 00:01:49    00:00:03
2   3   NB0003  Atendida    Normal  28/11/2022 08:03    08:03:59    08:05:23    08:22:21    00:02:11    112,29% 00:01:57    00:00:04
3   4   NB0004  Atendida    Normal  28/11/2022 08:15    08:04:19    08:05:15    08:13:59    00:01:12    68,25%  00:01:46    00:00:05
4   5   NB0005  Atendida    Normal  28/11/2022 08:16    08:18:46    08:20:21    08:27:19    00:02:51    144,18% 00:01:59    00:00:06

df = ['arrive time'] = 
28/11/2022 08:01
28/11/2022 08:01
28/11/2022 08:03
28/11/2022 08:15
28/11/2022 08:16
28/11/2022 08:17
28/11/2022 08:20


df2 = ['standby time'] = 

I tried different ways to bring it and append the two columns in one DF or list like code below with one column for DF1and DF2 at the same DF or list

squares = [[]]
x = dados[["arrive time"]]
y = dados[["index"]]
date_arrive = dados['arrive time']
date_arrive = pd.to_datetime(date_arrive, dayfirst=True)
for i in range(len(x)):
     TE = x["wait time"]
     hours = str(x["arrive time"][i]).replace("    ","").split(":")
     hoursTMEX = str(x['arrive time'][i]).replace("    ","").split(":")
     TMEX = int(hours[0].replace("0  ","")) * 3600 + int(hours[1]) * 60 + int(hours[2].replace("n1  00",""))
     TEX = int(hoursTMEX[0].replace("0  ","")) * 3600 + int(hoursTMEX[1]) * 60 + int(hoursTMEX[2].replace("n1  00",""))
     squares.append([[date_arrive], [TEX]])
     data_df = pd.DataFrame(squares)
     data_df = data_df 

RESULT (Code above):

0   None    None
1   [[2022-11-28 08:01:00, 2022-11-28 08:01:00, 20...   [79]
2   [[2022-11-28 08:01:00, 2022-11-28 08:01:00, 20...   [140]
3   [[2022-11-28 08:01:00, 2022-11-28 08:01:00, 20...   [131]
4   [[2022-11-28 08:01:00, 2022-11-28 08:01:00, 20...   [72]

I need it like that:

0|  None               | None   |
1|  2022-11-28 08:01:00|    79  |
2|  2022-11-28 08:01:00|   140  |
3|  2022-11-28 08:01:00|   131  |
4|  2022-11-28 08:01:00|    72  |

PS: I tried to append this two infos squares.append([[date_arrive], [TEX]]) out of the loop but returns me only one line, probabilly I’m not going right way.

I’ll be pleased if someone could help me to remove the repeated string in column 0 and help me remove these brackets in the two columns.


The solution I founded is when Appending the list like that:
squares.append([[date_arrive], [TEX]])

was missing [i] iterator from loop (for)

squares.append([date_arrive[i], TEX])