How to rename images with specific pattern?


I have this image folder as shown below that has repated charchter name A I want only keep one letter A with rest of numbers + ext
the input :

input_folder --|
               |--- imgs -- |-- A_0.jpg
                            |-- A_A_A_1.jpg
                            |-- A_A_2.jpg
                            |-- A_A_A_A_3.jpg
                            |-- A_4.jpg

I want to rename new image by keeping only Leter A+numbers+.jpg
for example if image name is A_0.jpg keep it if image name A_A_A_1.jpg rename it to A_1.jpg and so on ..

I am trying to loop throght image folder and using python or regular expression with py following this articail Rename with Regular Expression

the expacted output results in the same folder :

input_folder --|
               |--- imgs -- |-- A_0.jpg
                            |-- A_1.jpg
                            |-- A_2.jpg
                            |-- A_3.jpg
                            |-- A_4.jpg

This issue caused by runing following script for 500 000 images rleated


This will work for the structure and file name pattern in the question. Other naming patterns may be problematic.

from pathlib import Path
from os import rename

PATH = Path('input_folder/imgs')

for file in PATH.glob('*'):
        if len(t := file.stem.split(SEPARATOR)) > 1 and t[0] == REPEAT and t[-1].isdecimal():
            newfile = t[0] + SEPARATOR + t[-1] + file.suffix
            rename(file, PATH / newfile)
    except Exception as e:
Answered By: DarkKnight