How can I upload torrent video pieces to a video hosting service on the fly with limited RAM and disk usage


I’m working on a program that needs to upload video files that are stored using torrent to a video hosting service. However, I’m dealing with limited RAM and disk resources, so I can’t simply download the entire video file and then upload it. Instead, I want to iterate through the contents of the torrent file piece by piece and upload each piece on the fly while deleting previous pieces to stay within my resource constraints. How can I achieve this in Python?

Asked By: ikkalinkin



To achieve this in Python, you can use the torrentool package to read the torrent file and download pieces of the video file on-the-fly while uploading them to the video hosting service using an HTTP library such as requests.

Example code:

import os

import requests
from torrentool.api import Torrent

# loading the torrent file
torrent = Torrent.from_file('video.torrent')

# iterate through the pieces of the torrent file
for piece in torrent.get_pieces():
    # download the piece from the torrent file
    piece_data = torrent.get_piece(piece.index)

    # upload the piece to the video hosting service
    response ='', data=piece_data)

    # delete the piece from memory to free up resources
    del piece_data

    # if the upload was successful, move on to the next piece
    if response.status_code == 200:
    # if the upload failed, exit the loop and handle the error
        print("File download failed!")

# delete the torrent file from disk to free up resources

This code reads the torrent file using torrentool, iterates through each piece of the file, downloads each piece on-the-fly, uploads it to the video hosting service, and deletes it from memory to stay within resource constraints. It also removes the torrent file from disk once the upload is complete.

Another possible way to download a torrent file on the fly is via the libtorrent library:

import libtorrent as lt
import requests

# set up the torrent session
ses = lt.session()
params = {
    "save_path": "/path/to/video/files", 
    "storage_mode": lt.storage_mode_t.storage_mode_sparse
torr = lt.torrent_info("/path/to/torrent/file.torrent")
h = ses.add_torrent(params, torr)

# set up the video hosting service endpoint
url = ""

# iterate through the torrent pieces 
# and upload them to the video hosting service
for i in range(torr.num_pieces()):
    piece = h.read_piece(i)
    if piece is not None:
        # upload the piece to the video hosting service
        data = {"piece": piece}
        response =, data=data)

        # delete the piece from memory and disk
        piece = None

Note: This is just an examples and you may need to modify the code to suit your specific needs.

Answered By: AlekseevDanil