Problem installing a Python program from GitHub


I am trying to install the MQTT simulator.

I have python v3.3.10 installed in my computer. I followed this video between 1:48 and 5.43, so now I have a folder in my desktop called python_project, inside of which there is a folder called venv.

I have downloaded the mqtt-simulator-master from git hub and put it inside of python_project and copied the contents of mqtt-simulator-master onto python project itself. I have activated the virtual environment as C:UsersMeDesktoppython_project>.venvScriptsactivate.

Then I have written in the CMD C:UsersJaimeDesktoppython_project>python3 -m venv venv
which didn’t have any visible output.

The next line was source venv/bin/activate, which resulted in an error, which said that source is an unrecognized command.

Then I wrote pip3 install -r requirements.txt. This gave me an output with the warning

DEPRECATION: paho-mqtt is being installed using the legacy ‘
install’ method, because it does not have a ‘pyproject.toml’ and the
‘wheel’ package is not installed. pip 23.1 will enforce this behaviour
change. A possible replacement is to enable the ‘–use-pep517’ option.
Discussion can be found at

and the output Successfully installed paho-mqtt-1.5.0

However, if I write python3 mqtt-simulator/, i get the following error:

File "",
line 3, in
from simulator import Simulator File "",
line 2, in
from topic import TopicAuto File "", line
6, in
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘paho’

I need some tips on how to make this work since I am clueless about what to do.

Asked By: slow_learner



I’ve followed the same instructions I’m able to sucessfully run the git files. I’m guessing you messing up env’s like u may installing requiremnts in different env and may running code in different environment. Do one thing

Debugging steps may help you:

  1. Take a fresh cmd don’t create any environment
  2. run pip3 install paho-mqtt==1.5.0
  3. Then go to folder or run like python3 (assuming cmd at C:UsersMe)

see what you will get.

Answered By: Bhargav
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