How to accurately measure the contact ear orientation on a flat battery using diplib


Our production line want to automate the fabrication of flat battery, I want to accurately measure the contact ear orientation of the flat battery and send the center of the battery coordinate plus the ear orientation degrees to linuxCNC motion controller. I follow a very naive and ad hoc way to implement it using python binding of diplib, I am not sure it is accurate enough and bearing the coarse light source on production line. Here is my code and test images
original image from USB3.0 Camera

import diplib as dip

img = dip.ImageRead('tail2.png')
img2 = dip.ColorSpaceManager.Convert(img, 'grey')

# blend the ultimate results on img3
img3 = img.Copy()

gm = dip.Norm(dip.GradientMagnitude(img2))

# detect main circle using watershed
wlab = dip.Watershed(gm, connectivity=1, maxDepth=1, flags={'correct', 'labels'})

wlab = dip.SmallObjectsRemove(wlab, 8000)

# select main circle lab
pp = (wlab == 18179)

lab = dip.Label(pp)

# lab = dip.GrowRegions(lab, connectivity=1, iterations = 3)
result = dip.MeasurementTool.Measure(lab, img, features=['Center', 'Radius'])

circle = dip.Image(img.Sizes(), 1, 'SFLOAT')

# draw a solid circle as a mask, subtracted from wlab(id = 18179), obtain the tail(or ear)
dip.DrawBandlimitedBall(circle, diameter=result[1]['Radius'][1]*2, origin=result[1]['Center'], value=1)
circle /= dip.Maximum(circle)

img *= 1 - circle
img += circle * dip.Create0D([0,255,0])

img[img == [0,255,0]] = 0

mymask = img.Copy()
mymask[mymask == [0,255,0]] = 1000

mainCircle = dip.Threshold(dip.ColorSpaceManager.Convert(mymask, 'grey'))[0]

mainCircle = dip.Dilation(mainCircle, dip.SE(1))

# obtain the ear, open by reconstruction and opening
tail = pp - mainCircle

tail = dip.OpeningByReconstruction(tail,15)
tail = dip.Opening(tail,5)

mylab = dip.Label(tail)

# obtain the center of the ear, connect to center of the main cirle and blend it to the original image
result2 = dip.MeasurementTool.Measure(mylab, img, features=['Center'])

imgline = dip.Image(img3.Sizes(), 1, 'SFLOAT')

dip.DrawBandlimitedLine(imgline, start = result2[1]['Center'], end = result[1]['Center'])

imgline /= dip.Maximum(imgline)

img3 *= 1 - imgline
img3 += imgline * dip.Create0D([0,255,0])


dip.ImageWrite(img3, 'mylab.jpg')

I draw a subpixels line between the centers of ear and the main circle, looks good. But the procedure of finding the two points is so ad hoc, I am not sure how accurate it is and how sensitive it is to the light source and how many effort should be involved tuning those parameters. For I have not converted this code into C++ and load into my OpenGL framework and evaluate using a GiGE camera
result from my code

I am not sure binary dilation, opening could contribute errors, I am still a Apprentice in computer graphics, computer graphics is hard
enter image description here

Convert those code to C++ and integrate into my OpenGL based test platform is so labor intensive for me, before I do this, I want to hear from some more elegant and robust solution

Finally, I share the cpp code converted from python

Mat orientation(Mat input) {
  try {
    dip::Image gray, battery;
    dip::Image src  = dip_opencv::MatToDip(input);
    dip::Gauss(src, gray, {1});
    gray = dip::MinimumTensorElement(gray);

    dip::Threshold(gray, battery);
    battery = dip::Label(battery, 0, 0, 0, {"remove"});
    battery = dip::SmallObjectsRemove(battery, 80000);
    battery = dip::FillHoles(battery);

    dip::Image body = dip::Opening(battery, 60);
    dip::Image ear = battery - body;
    ear = dip::OpeningByReconstruction(ear, 7);

    dip::Image lab = dip::Convert(body, dip::DT_UINT8);
    lab.At(ear) = 2;

    lab.At(lab == 2) = 100;
    lab.At(lab == 1) = 160;

    dip::MeasurementTool msr;
    dip::Measurement sizes = msr.Measure(lab, {}, {"Center"}, {}, 1);

    std::cout << sizes << 'n';

    dip::Image imgline = dip::Image(src.Sizes(), 1, dip::DT_DFLOAT);

    dip::DrawBandlimitedLine(imgline, {sizes[100]["Center"][0], sizes[100]["Center"][1]}, {sizes[160]["Center"][0], sizes[160]["Center"][1]});

    imgline /= dip::Maximum(imgline);
    dip::Image output = src.Copy();
    output *= 1 - imgline;
    dip::Image my0d({0,255,0});
    output += imgline * my0d;

    return dip_opencv::CopyDipToMat(output);
  catch (dip::Error const& e) {
    std::cout << "exception: waterPreview" << 'n';
    return input;

add this line after dip::SmallObjectsRemove, greatly smooth the ear finding procedure

battery = dip::FillHoles(battery);

enter image description here

pretty impressive, diplib is really light unbias, works very well on our production line
enter image description here

This is what I really want, the light source on production line is really sucks
enter image description here

Asked By: HotCat



I simplified your code as follows. I don’t think it’ll be more precise, but simpler usually means more robust.

import diplib as dip

img = dip.ImageRead('tail2.png')

# A little bit of noise reduction
gray = dip.Gauss(img, 1)

# Conversion to gray assumes the battery shows white in the image
gray = dip.MinimumTensorElement(gray)

# Binarization assumes the battery is surrounded by darker background
# We're keeping the largest segment not connected to the image edge
battery = dip.Threshold(gray)[0]
battery = dip.Label(battery, boundaryCondition=["remove"], mode="largest") > 0

# We separate the ear by opening
body = dip.Opening(battery, 60)
ear = dip.OpeningByReconstruction(battery - body, 7)

# Obtain the center of the body and ear
lab = dip.Convert(body, "UINT8")
lab[ear] = 2  # label for body = 1, label for ear = 2
msr = dip.MeasurementTool.Measure(lab, features=['Center'])

# Draw the line (code unchanged from OP)
imgline = dip.Image(img.Sizes(), 1, 'SFLOAT')
dip.DrawBandlimitedLine(imgline, start=msr[1]['Center'], end=msr[2]['Center'])
imgline /= dip.Maximum(imgline)
img *= 1 - imgline
img += imgline * dip.Create0D([0,255,0])


For the line battery = dip.Threshold(gray)[0], you might want to try other threshold methods. In particular the "triangle" or "background" methods could be good here.

Answered By: Cris Luengo