How to output loop.index in jinja


I want to be able to output the loop.index iteration to my template , i am using ansible and i have template file.j2 and inventory file have the below group

app01 ansible_host=
app02 ansible_host=
app03 ansible_host=
app04 ansible_host=
app05 ansible_host=
app06 ansible_host=

I have jinja file inside this file value


So i want copy this jinja file to all nodes and i want use loop.index
in part of [ server0{{ loop.index }} ] because each node have
different jinja file for example kafka.server02.keystore for
app02 kafka.server03.keystore for app03
kafka.server04.keystore for app04 kafka.server05.keystore for
app05 kafka.server06.keystore for app06 .. loop depend on my
inventory host group [all_servers]

how i can do this

ansible loop index for ansible template

Asked By: MuhammedOmar



The play below shows how you can use the index

- hosts: all


    - debug:
        msg: "Copy {{ file }} to {{ item }}"
      loop: "{{ ansible_play_hosts_all }}"
        extended: true
        index: "{{ '%02d' % ansible_loop.index }}"
        file: "/kafka_certification/kafka.server{{ index }}.keystore.jk"
      run_once: true
      delegate_to: localhost

gives (abridged)

  msg: Copy /kafka_certification/kafka.server01.keystore.jk to app01
  msg: Copy /kafka_certification/kafka.server02.keystore.jk to app02
  msg: Copy /kafka_certification/kafka.server03.keystore.jk to app03
  msg: Copy /kafka_certification/kafka.server04.keystore.jk to app04
  msg: Copy /kafka_certification/kafka.server05.keystore.jk to app05
  msg: Copy /kafka_certification/kafka.server06.keystore.jk to app06

There is a simpler approach. The play below gives the same result without iteration

- hosts: all


    - debug:
        msg: "Copy {{ file }} to {{ inventory_hostname }}"
        idx: "{{ ansible_play_hosts_all.index(inventory_hostname) + 1 }}"
        index: "{{ '%02d' % idx|int }}"
        file: "/kafka_certification/kafka.server{{ index }}.keystore.jk"

This option complies with the Ansible context. See Plays:

… playbook object maps managed nodes (hosts) to tasks.

Q: "Copy file to all nodes. Use loop.index on inventory host group [all_servers]"

A: In this particular case the play below gives the same result

- hosts: all_servers


    - debug:
        msg: "Copy {{ file }} to {{ inventory_hostname }}"
        idx: "{{ groups.all_servers.index(inventory_hostname) + 1 }}"
        index: "{{ '%02d' % idx|int }}"
        file: "/kafka_certification/kafka.server{{ index }}.keystore.jk"

PLAY [all_servers] ****************************************************************************

TASK [debug] **********************************************************************************
ok: [app02] => 
  msg: Copy /kafka_certification/kafka.server02.keystore.jk to app02
ok: [app01] => 
  msg: Copy /kafka_certification/kafka.server01.keystore.jk to app01
ok: [app04] => 
  msg: Copy /kafka_certification/kafka.server04.keystore.jk to app04
ok: [app03] => 
  msg: Copy /kafka_certification/kafka.server03.keystore.jk to app03
ok: [app05] => 
  msg: Copy /kafka_certification/kafka.server05.keystore.jk to app05
ok: [app06] => 
  msg: Copy /kafka_certification/kafka.server06.keystore.jk to app06

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************
app01: ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
app02: ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
app03: ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
app04: ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
app05: ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
app06: ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Answered By: Vladimir Botka