In an image, there are two nested rectangles, and they share two sides. How to use opencv to identify the two rectangles


Sorry, the original image cannot be uploaded due to some security reasons. The following is a schematic diagram:

original image:

original image

my goal:

my goal

Current situation:

Current situation

now I use findContours function to to complete the goal,The code currently used is(use Python 3 and OpenCV):

edges = cv2.Canny(mask, 10, 150)
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(edges, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
cv2.drawContours(ima, [contour], -1, (0, 0, 255), 5)

I also used the following function parameters:


fact original image:enter image description here

Asked By: Hasegaawa Haruka



Bounding-box of each white regions can be used to judge the simple rectangular "nested" relation.

Using connectedComponentsWithStats, AABB(axis-aligned bounding boxes) can be obtained.

(Following code is C++.)

//Judge the rectangular nested relation
bool Is_A_Including_B( const cv::Rect &A, const cv::Rect &B, int Margin )
    int Left = A.x - Margin;
    int Right = Left + A.width + 2*Margin - 1;
    int Top = A.y - Margin;
    int Bottom = Top + A.height + 2*Margin - 1;
    auto B_br =;
    return ( Left<=B.x  &&  B_br.x<=Right  &&  Top<=B.y  &&  B_br.y<=Bottom );

int main()
    //Load Image and Binalize
    cv::Mat SrcImg = cv::imread( "Regs.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE );
    if( SrcImg.empty() )return 0;

    cv::Mat BinImg;
    cv::threshold( SrcImg, BinImg, 128, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY );

    //Find Bounding Boxes of white regions
    std::vector< cv::Rect > BBs;
        cv::Mat Labels, Stats, Centroids;
        int N = cv::connectedComponentsWithStats( BinImg, Labels, Stats, Centroids );

        BBs.reserve( N-1 );
        for( int i=1; i<N; ++i )
      <int>( i, cv::CC_STAT_LEFT ),
      <int>( i, cv::CC_STAT_TOP ),
      <int>( i, cv::CC_STAT_WIDTH ),
      <int>( i, cv::CC_STAT_HEIGHT )

    //Find nested region
    std::vector< cv::Rect > Found;
    for( auto i=BBs.begin(); i!=BBs.end(); ++i )
        for( auto j=BBs.begin(); j!=BBs.end(); ++j )
            if( i == j )continue;
            if( Is_A_Including_B( *i, *j, 5 ) )
            {   Found.push_back( *j );  }

    cv::Mat ShowImg;
    cv::cvtColor( BinImg, ShowImg, cv::COLOR_GRAY2BGR );
    ShowImg *= 0.5;
    for( const auto &Rect : Found )
        cv::rectangle( ShowImg, Rect, cv::Scalar(0,0,255), 4 );
    cv::imshow( "Result", ShowImg );
    return 0;

enter image description here

Answered By: fana
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