Measuring maximum memory while capturing stdout in Python using subprocess


Is there a clean way to measure the maximum memory consumption of a subprocess while still capturing stdout (and ideally setting a timeout) using subprocess in Python?

Capturing output and setting a timeout can easily done using functions of subprocess:

output =, capture_output=True, timeout=100)

Measuring the maximum allocated memory seems to require polling, i.e. using psutil as in this example: Subprocess memory usage in python. But this way, capturing stdout would also need to be implemented, which gets messy quickly (subprocess starts a new thread for reading stdout)

Asked By: BlueMonkey325



You can measure the max memory consuption of a subprocess and capture stdout by combining subprocess and psutil.

Use subprocess.Popen to start the subprocess. This way you can interact with the subprocess as it runs.
Periodically check the memory usage with psutil.

Here’s an example implementation I have from a previous project:

import subprocess
import psutil
import time

def run_command_with_memory_tracking(cmd, timeout=None):
    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
    psutil_process = psutil.Process(
    max_memory = 0
    start_time = time.time()
    output, errors = "", ""

    # polling loop
    while True:
        # measure memory
        current_memory = psutil_process.memory_info().rss
        max_memory = max(max_memory, current_memory)
        if timeout and (time.time() - start_time) > timeout:
            raise TimeoutError(f"Command '{' '.join(cmd)}' timed out after {timeout} seconds")

        if process.poll() is not None:

    output, errors = process.communicate()

    return {
        "max_memory": max_memory,
        "stdout": output,
        "stderr": errors

# Test
cmd = ["echo", "Hello, World!"]
result = run_command_with_memory_tracking(cmd, timeout=10)

print(f"Max memory used: {result['max_memory']} bytes")
Answered By: jmsm1g19
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