Why is Visual Studio Code saying my code in unreachable after using the Pandas concat function?


Koda Ulaşılamıyor -> Code is unreachable

Koda Ulaşılamıyor -> Code is unreachable

Visual Studio code is graying out my code and saying it is unreachable after I used pd.concat(). The IDE seems to run smoothly but it’s disturbing and I want my colorful editor back.

How do I disable the editor graying out my code without changing the current language?

Asked By: wwyyaa



This is a bug currently existing in pandas-stubs.

The matching overload of concat in pandas-stubs currently returns Never.

According to this suggestion in Pylance github, you could work around the pandas-stubs issue by commenting out the Never overload in ....vscodeextensionsms-python.vscode-pylance-2024.3.1distbundledstubspandascorereshapeconcat.pyi.

def concat(
    objs: Iterable[None] | Mapping[HashableT1, None],
    axis: Axis = ...,
    join: Literal["inner", "outer"] = ...,
    ignore_index: bool = ...,
    keys: Iterable[HashableT2] = ...,
    levels: Sequence[list[HashableT3] | tuple[HashableT3, ...]] = ...,
    names: list[HashableT4] = ...,
    verify_integrity: bool = ...,
    sort: bool = ...,
    copy: bool = ...,
) -> Never: ...
Answered By: MingJie-MSFT

This is not a bug in pandas-stubs. This is a bug in pylance. If type checking mode is off, it should NOT be doing the "unreachable" analysis.

Here’s an example that shows the same problem, using a standard library call:

from random import SystemRandom

sr = SystemRandom()

foo = sr.getstate()


In this case, the line print("hey") will be shown as unreachable.

Answered By: Irv