How do I use a default namespace in an lxml xpath query?


I have an xml document in the following format:

<feed   >
    <app:edited >2011-11-07T21:32:39.795Z</app:edited>
    <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/>
    <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/>
    <gsa:content name="entryID">smb://</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name="numCrawledURLs">7</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name="numExcludedURLs">0</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name="type">DirectoryContentData</gsa:content>
    <gsa:content name="numRetrievalErrors">0</gsa:content>

I need to retrieve all entry elements using xpath in lxml. My problem is that I can’t figure out how to use an empty namespace. I have tried the following examples, but none work. Please advise.

import lxml.etree as et


The various things I have tried are:

for node in tree.xpath('//entry'):


namespaces = {None:"" ,"openSearch":"" ,"gsa":""}

for node in tree.xpath('//entry', namespaces=ns):


for node in tree.xpath('//"{}entry"'):

At this point I just don’t know what to try. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Asked By: ewok



Use findall method.

for item in tree.findall('{}entry'): 
    print item
Answered By: Seb

Something like this should work:

import lxml.etree as et

ns = {"atom": ""}
tree = et.fromstring(xml)
for node in tree.xpath('//atom:entry', namespaces=ns):
    print node

See also


for node in tree.xpath("//*[local-name() = 'entry']"):
    print node
Answered By: mzjn
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