Python Conditional Variable Setting


For some reason I can’t remember how to do this – I believe there was a way to set a variable in Python, if a condition was true? What I mean is this:

 value = 'Test' if 1 == 1

Where it would hopefully set value to ‘Test’ if the condition (1 == 1) is true. And with that, I was going to test for multiple conditions to set different variables, like this:

 value = ('test' if 1 == 1, 'testtwo' if 2 == 2)

And so on for just a few conditions. Is this possible?

Asked By: SolarLune



This is the closest thing to what you are looking for:

value = 'Test' if 1 == 1 else 'NoTest'

Otherwise, there isn’t much else.

Answered By: Donald Miner

You can also do:

value = (1 == 1 and 'test') or (2 == 2 and 'testtwo') or 'nope!'

I prefer this way 😀

Answered By: Mauro D'Agostino

value = [1, 2][1 == 1] 😉

…well I guess this would work too:
value = ['none true', 'one true', 'both true'][(1 == 1) + (2 == 2)]

Not exactly good programming practice or readable code but amusing and compact, at the very least. Python treats booleans as numbers, so True is 1 and False is 0. [1, 2][True] = 2, [1, 2][False] = 1 and [1, 2, 3][True + True] = 3

Answered By: Pinja Jäkkö

Less obvious but nice looking term:

value = ('No Test', 'Test')[1 == 1]
print(value) # prints 'Test'
Answered By: Serhii Aksiutin