Ignore case in glob() on Linux


I’m writing a script which will have to work on directories which are modified by hand by Windows and Linux users alike. The Windows users tend to not care at all about case in assigning filenames.

Is there a way to handle this on the Linux side in Python, i.e. can I get a case-insensitive, glob-like behaviour?

Asked By: andreas-h



Use case-insensitive regexes instead of glob patterns. fnmatch.translate generates a regex from a glob pattern, so

re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern), re.IGNORECASE)

gives you a case-insensitive version of a glob pattern as a compiled RE.

Keep in mind that, if the filesystem is hosted by a Linux box on a Unix-like filesystem, users will be able to create files foo, Foo and FOO in the same directory.

Answered By: Fred Foo

You can replace each alphabetic character c with [cC], via

import glob
def insensitive_glob(pattern):
    def either(c):
        return '[%s%s]' % (c.lower(), c.upper()) if c.isalpha() else c
    return glob.glob(''.join(map(either, pattern)))
Answered By: Geoffrey Irving

Non recursively

In order to retrieve the files (and files only) of a directory "path", with "globexpression":

list_path = [i for i in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, i))]
result = [os.path.join(path, j) for j in list_path if re.match(fnmatch.translate(globexpression), j, re.IGNORECASE)]


with walk:

result = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
    result += [os.path.join(root, j) for j in files 
        if re.match(fnmatch.translate(globexpression), j, re.IGNORECASE)]

Better also compile the regular expression, so instead of


do (before the loop):

reg_expr = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(globexpression), re.IGNORECASE)

and then replace in the loop:

result += [os.path.join(root, j) for j in files if re.match(reg_expr, j)]
Answered By: Raffi

Depending on your case, you might use .lower() on both file pattern and results from folder listing and only then compare the pattern with the filename

Answered By: HCLivess

Here is my non-recursive file search for Python with glob like behavior for Python 3.5+

# Eg: find_files('~/Downloads', '*.Xls', ignore_case=True)
def find_files(path: str, glob_pat: str, ignore_case: bool = False):
    rule = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(glob_pat), re.IGNORECASE) if ignore_case 
            else re.compile(fnmatch.translate(glob_pat))
    return [n for n in os.listdir(os.path.expanduser(path)) if rule.match(n)]

Note: This version handles home directory expansion

Answered By: Timothy C. Quinn

Riffing off of @Timothy C. Quinn’s answer, this modification allows the use of wildcards anywhere in the path. This is admittedly only case insensitive for the glob_pat argument.

import re
import os
import fnmatch
import glob

def find_files(path: str, glob_pat: str, ignore_case: bool = False):
    rule = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(glob_pat), re.IGNORECASE) if ignore_case 
            else re.compile(fnmatch.translate(glob_pat))
    return [n for n in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*')) if rule.match(n)]
Answered By: Matthew Snyder

Here is a working example with fnmatch.translate():

from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
import fnmatch, re

mask_str = '"*_*_yyww.TXT" | "*_yyww.TXT" | "*_*_yyww_*.TXT" | "*_yyww_*.TXT"'
masks_list = ["yyyy", "yy", "mmmmm", "mmm", "mm", "#d", "#w", "#m", "ww"]

for mask_item in masks_list:
    mask_str = mask_str.replace(mask_item, "*")

clean_quotes_and_spaces = mask_str.replace(" ", "").replace('"', '')
remove_double_star = clean_quotes_and_spaces.replace("**", "*")
masks = remove_double_star.split("|")

cwd = Path.cwd()

files = list(cwd.glob('*'))

files_found = set()

for mask in masks:
    mask = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(mask), re.IGNORECASE)

    for file in files:        
        if mask.match(str(file)):

Answered By: paradox

I just wanted a variant of this where I only went case insensitive if I was specifying a file extension — eg, I wanted ".jpg" and ".JPG" to be crawled the same. This is my variant:

import re
import glob
import os
from fnmatch import translate as regexGlob
from platform import system as getOS

def linuxGlob(globPattern:str) -> frozenset:
    Glob with a case-insensitive file extension
    base = set(glob.glob(globPattern, recursive= True))
    maybeExt = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(globPattern))[1][1:]
    caseChange = set()
    # Now only try the extended insensitivity if we've got a file extension
    if len(maybeExt) > 0 and getOS() != "Windows":
        rule = re.compile(regexGlob(globPattern), re.IGNORECASE)
        endIndex = globPattern.find("*")
        if endIndex == -1:
            endIndex = len(globPattern)
        crawl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(globPattern[:endIndex]), "**", "*")
        checkSet = set(glob.glob(crawl, recursive= True)) - base
        caseChange = set([x for x in checkSet if rule.match(x)])
    return frozenset(base.union(caseChange))

I didn’t actually restrict the insensitivity to just the extension because I was lazy, but that confusion space is pretty small (eg, you’d want to capture FOO.jpg and FOO.JPG but not foo.JPG or foo.jpg; if your path is that pathological you’ve got other problems)

Answered By: Philip Kahn
def insensitive_glob(pattern):
    def either(c):
        return '[%s%s]' % (c.lower(), c.upper()) if c.isalpha() else c
    return glob.glob(''.join(map(either, pattern)))

also can be:

def insensitive_glob(pattern):
    return glob.glob(
            '[' + c.lower() + c.upper() + ']'
            if c.isalpha() else c
            for c in pattern
Answered By: matsken

a variation of your answer with search recursive of names files :

def insensitive_for_glob(string_file):
    return ''.join(['[' + c.lower() + c.upper() + ']' if c.isalpha() else c for c in string_file])

in otherplace in code :

namefile = self.insensitive_for_glob(namefile)
lst_found_file = glob.glob(f'{file_path}/**/*{namefile}', recursive=True)
Answered By: jean42pin
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