Python function that similar to bash find command


I have a dir structure like the following:

[me@mypc]$ tree .
├── set01
│   ├── 01
│   │   ├── p1-001a.png
│   │   ├── p1-001b.png
│   │   ├── p1-001c.png
│   │   ├── p1-001d.png
│   │   └── p1-001e.png
│   ├── 02
│   │   ├── p2-001a.png
│   │   ├── p2-001b.png
│   │   ├── p2-001c.png
│   │   ├── p2-001d.png
│   │   └── p2-001e.png

I would like to write a python script to rename all *a.png to 01.png, *b.png to 02.png, and so on. Frist I guess I have to use something similar to find . -name '*.png', and the most similar thing I found in python was os.walk. However, in os.walk I have to check every file, if it’s png, then I’ll concatenate it with it’s root, somehow not that elegant. I was wondering if there is a better way to do this? Thanks in advance.

Asked By: clwen



For a search pattern like that, you can probably get away with glob.

from glob import glob
paths = glob('set01/*/*.png')
Answered By: Michael Mior

Check out from David M. Beazley.

# A function that generates files that match a given filename pattern

import os
import fnmatch

def gen_find(filepat,top):
    for path, dirlist, filelist in os.walk(top):
        for name in fnmatch.filter(filelist,filepat):
            yield os.path.join(path,name)

# Example use

if __name__ == '__main__':
    lognames = gen_find("access-log*","www")
    for name in lognames:
        print name
Answered By: Spencer Rathbun

This can be done with the recursive glob provided by pathlib:

import pathlib
for p in pathlib.Path(".").rglob("*.png"):

The package provides useful features for renaming files, too.

For reference:

For Python 2 os.walk could be used to traverse the directory tree.


import os

for dpath, dnames, fnames in os.walk("."):
  for i, fname in enumerate([os.path.join(dpath, fname) for fname in fnames]):
    if fname.endswith(".png"):
      #os.rename(fname, os.path.join(dpath, "%04d.png" % i))
      print "mv %s %s" % (fname, os.path.join(dpath, "%04d.png" % i))
Answered By: moooeeeep

These days, pathlib is a convenient option.

Answered By: Magnus Lyckå
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