Python format tabular output


Using python2.7, I’m trying to print to screen tabular data.

This is roughly what my code looks like:

for i in mylist:
   print "{}t|{}t|".format (i, f(i))

The problem is that, depending on the length of i or f(i) the data won’t be aligned.

This is what I’m getting:

|foo |bar |
|foobo   |foobar  |

What I want to get:

|foo     |bar     |
|foobo   |foobar  |

Are there any modules that permit doing this?

Asked By: rahmu



It’s not really hard to roll your own formatting function:

def print_table(table):
    col_width = [max(len(x) for x in col) for col in zip(*table)]
    for line in table:
        print "| " + " | ".join("{:{}}".format(x, col_width[i])
                                for i, x in enumerate(line)) + " |"

table = [(str(x), str(f(x))) for x in mylist]
Answered By: Sven Marnach
mylist = {"foo":"bar", "foobo":"foobar"}

width_col1 = max([len(x) for x in mylist.keys()])
width_col2 = max([len(x) for x in mylist.values()])

def f(ind):
    return mylist[ind]

for i in mylist:
    print "|{0:<{col1}}|{1:<{col2}}|".format(i,f(i),col1=width_col1,
Answered By: user880480

There is a nice module for this in pypi, PrettyTable.

$ pip install PrettyTable
Answered By: Thomas Dignan

For a more beautiful table, use the tabulate module:

Tabulate link

Example from the tabulate documentation:

>>> from tabulate import tabulate

>>> table = [["Sun",696000,1989100000],["Earth",6371,5973.6],
...          ["Moon",1737,73.5],["Mars",3390,641.85]]
>>> print(tabulate(table))
-----  ------  -------------
Sun    696000     1.9891e+09
Earth    6371  5973.6
Moon     1737    73.5
Mars     3390   641.85
-----  ------  -------------
Answered By: TommasoF

It seems like you want your columns left-justified, but I haven’t seen any answers mention the ljust string method, so I’ll demonstrate that in Python 2.7:

def bar(item):
    return item.replace('foo','bar')

width = 20
mylist = ['foo1','foo200000','foo33','foo444']

for item in mylist:
    print "{}| {}".format(item.ljust(width),bar(item).ljust(width))

foo1                | bar1
foo200000           | bar200000
foo33               | bar33
foo444              | bar444

For your reference, running help('abc'.ljust) gives you this:

S.ljust(width[, fillchar]) -> string

It looks like the ljust method takes your specified width and subtracts the length of the string from that, and pads the right side of your string with that many characters.

Answered By: foundling

You can try BeautifulTable.
Here’s an example:

>>> from beautifultable import BeautifulTable
>>> table = BeautifulTable()
>>> table.column_headers = ["name", "rank", "gender"]
>>> table.append_row(["Jacob", 1, "boy"])
>>> table.append_row(["Isabella", 1, "girl"])
>>> table.append_row(["Ethan", 2, "boy"])
>>> table.append_row(["Sophia", 2, "girl"])
>>> table.append_row(["Michael", 3, "boy"])
>>> print(table)
|   name   | rank | gender |
|  Jacob   |  1   |  boy   |
| Isabella |  1   |  girl  |
|  Ethan   |  2   |  boy   |
|  Sophia  |  2   |  girl  |
| Michael  |  3   |  boy   |
Answered By: Priyam Singh
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