Chi-Squared test in Python


I’ve used the following code in R to determine how well observed values (20, 20, 0 and 0 for example) fit expected values/ratios (25% for each of the four cases, for example):

> chisq.test(c(20,20,0,0), p=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25))

    Chi-squared test for given probabilities

data:  c(20, 20, 0, 0)

X-squared = 40, df = 3, p-value = 1.066e-08

How can I replicate this in Python? I’ve tried using the chisquare function from scipy but the results I obtained were very different; I’m not sure if this is even the correct function to use. I’ve searched through the scipy documentation, but it’s quite daunting as it runs to 1000+ pages; the numpy documentation is almost 50% more than that.

Asked By: SabreWolfy



scipy.stats.chisquare expects observed and expected absolute frequencies, not ratios. You can obtain what you want with

>>> observed = np.array([20., 20., 0., 0.])
>>> expected = np.array([.25, .25, .25, .25]) * np.sum(observed)
>>> chisquare(observed, expected)
(40.0, 1.065509033425585e-08)

Although in the case that the expected values are uniformly distributed over the classes, you can leave out the computation of the expected values:

>>> chisquare(observed)
(40.0, 1.065509033425585e-08)

The first returned value is the χ² statistic, the second the p-value of the test.

Answered By: Fred Foo

An alternative would be to call your R code from python. You can do this:

  • by making an R script run as a command line tool. See this link for more information on running R scripts form the command line using Rscript. From python you can then run an R script by executing a system call using either subprocess or os.system. Any data exchange is done through text or binary files. I like this approach because it is very simple, and it is easy to debug the R script separate from the python code. The downside is that all data goes through the harddrive, which could prove to be very slow.
  • by using rpy, or rpy2 to run R code directly from within python. In this way the integration is more tight, but this link also introduces its own little quirks. For example, in my experience debugging R code called through rpy is a little harder to debug.
Answered By: Paul Hiemstra

Just wanted to point out that while the answer appears to be correct syntactically, you should not be using a Chi-squared distribution with your example because you have observed frequencies that are too small for an accurate Chi-square test.

“This test is invalid when the observed or expected frequencies in each category are too small. A typical rule is that all of the observed and expected frequencies should be at least 5.” see:

Answered By: emaxwell
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