Strip all non-numeric characters (except for ".") from a string in Python


I’ve got a pretty good working snippit of code, but I was wondering if anyone has any better suggestions on how to do this:

val = ''.join([c for c in val if c in '1234567890.'])

What would you do?

Asked By: adam



You can use a regular expression (using the re module) to accomplish the same thing. The example below matches runs of [^d.] (any character that’s not a decimal digit or a period) and replaces them with the empty string. Note that if the pattern is compiled with the UNICODE flag the resulting string could still include non-ASCII numbers. Also, the result after removing “non-numeric” characters is not necessarily a valid number.

>>> import re
>>> non_decimal = re.compile(r'[^d.]+')
>>> non_decimal.sub('', '12.34fe4e')
Answered By: Miles

Here’s some sample code:

$ cat
a = '27893jkasnf8u2qrtq2ntkjh8934yt8.298222rwagasjkijw'
for i in xrange(1000000):
    ''.join([c for c in a if c in '1234567890.'])

$ cat
import re

non_decimal = re.compile(r'[^d.]+')

a = '27893jkasnf8u2qrtq2ntkjh8934yt8.298222rwagasjkijw'
for i in xrange(1000000):
    non_decimal.sub('', a)

$ cat
a = '27893jkasnf8u2qrtq2ntkjh8934yt8.298222rwagasjkijw'
for i in xrange(1000000):
    ''.join([c for c in a if c.isdigit() or c == '.'])

$ cat
a = '27893jkasnf8u2qrtq2ntkjh8934yt8.298222rwagasjkijw'
for i in xrange(1000000):
    b = []
    for c in a:
        if c.isdigit() or c == '.': continue


And the timing results:

$ time python
real    0m24.735s
user    0m21.049s
sys     0m0.456s

$ time python
real    0m10.775s
user    0m9.817s
sys     0m0.236s

$ time python
real    0m38.255s
user    0m32.718s
sys     0m0.724s

$ time python
real    0m46.040s
user    0m41.515s
sys     0m0.832s

Looks like the regex is the winner so far.

Personally, I find the regex just as readable as the list comprehension. If you’re doing it just a few times then you’ll probably take a bigger hit on compiling the regex. Do what jives with your code and coding style.

Answered By: Colin Burnett

Another ‘pythonic’ approach

filter( lambda x: x in '0123456789.', s )

but regex is faster.

Answered By: maxp

If the set of characters were larger, using sets as below might be faster. As it is, this is a bit slower than

dec = set('1234567890.')

a = '27893jkasnf8u2qrtq2ntkjh8934yt8.298222rwagasjkijw'
for i in xrange(1000000):
    ''.join(ch for ch in a if ch in dec)

At least on my system, you can save a tiny bit of time (and memory if your string were long enough to matter) by using a generator expression instead of a list comprehension in

a = '27893jkasnf8u2qrtq2ntkjh8934yt8.298222rwagasjkijw'
for i in xrange(1000000):
    ''.join(c for c in a if c in '1234567890.')

Oh, and here’s the fastest way I’ve found by far on this test string (much faster than regex) if you are doing this many, many times and are willing to put up with the overhead of building a couple of character tables.

chrs = ''.join(chr(i) for i in xrange(256))
deletable = ''.join(ch for ch in chrs if ch not in '1234567890.')

a = '27893jkasnf8u2qrtq2ntkjh8934yt8.298222rwagasjkijw'
for i in xrange(1000000):
    a.translate(chrs, deletable)

On my system, that runs in ~1.0 seconds where the regex runs in ~4.3 seconds.

Answered By:
import string
filter(lambda c: c in string.digits + '.', s)
Answered By: Josh Bothun

A simple solution is to use regular expessions

import re 
re.sub("[^0-9^.]", "", data)
Answered By: Midhun Mohan

John’s idea gave me the intention to work it out more deeply. I extended it with auto-recognition of unit abbreviations editable in the md dictionary. The key is the unit abbreviation and the value is the multiplier. In this way the applications are endless. The result is always a number with which you can count. Set the parameter toInt=True and the result is an Integer. Maybe not the fastest method, but I don’t have to worry anymore and always a reliable result.

import re

md = {'gr': 0.001, '%': 0.01, 'K': 1000, 'M': 1000000, 'B': 1000000000, 'ms': 0.001, 'mt': 1000}
kl = list(md.keys())

def str_to_float_or_Int(strVal, toInt=None):
    toInt = False if toInt is None else toInt

    def chck_char_in_string(strVal):
        rs = None
        for el in kl:
            if el in strVal:
                rs = el
        return rs

    strVal = strVal.strip()
    mpk = chck_char_in_string(strVal)
    mp = 1 if mpk is None else md[mpk]
    strVal = re.sub(r'[^d.,-]+', '', strVal)
    seps = re.sub(r'-?d', '', strVal, flags=re.U)
    for sep in seps[:-1]:
        strVal = strVal.replace(sep, '')
    if seps:
        strVal = strVal.replace(seps[-1], '.')
    dcnm = float(strVal)
    dcnm = dcnm * mp
    dcnm = int(round(dcnm)) if toInt else dcnm
    return dcnm

Call the function as follows:

Values = ['1,354852M', '+10.000,12 gr', '-45,145.01 K', '753,159.456', '-87,24%', '1,000,000', '10,2K', '985 ms', '(mt) 0,475', '888 745.23', ' ,159']
for val in Values:
    result = str_to_float_or_Int(val)

The output results:

Answered By: MarcusAurelius
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