What is a frozen Python module?


The Python help of the module imp is talking about a frozen module. What is it?


Asked By: Dave Halter



The answer is in the same place:

(Frozen modules are modules written in Python whose compiled byte-code object is incorporated into a custom-built Python interpreter by Python’s freeze utility. See Tools/freeze/ for now.)

Answered By: Ken White

http://docs.python.org/library/imp.html#imp.PY_FROZEN links to http://docs.python.org/library/imp.html#imp.init_frozen which explains it:

Frozen modules are modules written in Python whose compiled byte-code object is incorporated into a custom-built Python interpreter by Python’s freeze utility. See Tools/freeze/ for now.

Answered By: ThiefMaster

This link explains what the Python Freeze utility is in detail:

In a nutshell, it creates a portable version of a python script that carries its own built in interpreter (basically like a binary executable), so that you can run it on machines without python.

Answered By: jdi

Have you considered using cx_freeze to create frozen modules? cx_freeze was recently updated and it supports Python 3.7 to 3.11.

This Stack Overflow question: Errors while dynamic imports using importlib in python3 discusses how to use importlib and sys.metapath.

This article is mentioned in one of the answers to the question.

Concerning importlib:

It contains a class for importing and using frozen modules

class importlib.machinery.FrozenImporter

class FrozenImporter:

    """Meta path import for frozen modules.

    All methods are either class or static methods to avoid the need to
    instantiate the class.


    _ORIGIN = "frozen"

    def module_repr(m):
        """Return repr for the module.

        The method is deprecated.  The import machinery does the job itself.

        return '<module {!r} ({})>'.format(m.__name__, FrozenImporter._ORIGIN)

    def find_spec(cls, fullname, path=None, target=None):
        if _imp.is_frozen(fullname):
            return spec_from_loader(fullname, cls, origin=cls._ORIGIN)
            return None

    def find_module(cls, fullname, path=None):
        """Find a frozen module.

        This method is deprecated.  Use find_spec() instead.

        return cls if _imp.is_frozen(fullname) else None

    def create_module(cls, spec):
        """Use default semantics for module creation."""

    def exec_module(module):
        name = module.__spec__.name
        if not _imp.is_frozen(name):
            raise ImportError('{!r} is not a frozen module'.format(name),
        code = _call_with_frames_removed(_imp.get_frozen_object, name)
        exec(code, module.__dict__)

    def load_module(cls, fullname):
        """Load a frozen module.

        This method is deprecated.  Use exec_module() instead.

        return _load_module_shim(cls, fullname)

    def get_code(cls, fullname):
        """Return the code object for the frozen module."""
        return _imp.get_frozen_object(fullname)

    def get_source(cls, fullname):
        """Return None as frozen modules do not have source code."""
        return None

    def is_package(cls, fullname):
        """Return True if the frozen module is a package."""
        return _imp.is_frozen_package(fullname)

Answered By: Life is complex

A frozen module in Python is a Python module that has been converted into a byte-compiled code (compiled to bytecode) and then embedded directly into the Python interpreter. It allows distributing a single binary that contains both the Python interpreter and the byte-compiled modules, making it more efficient and easy to use. Freezing is often done mostly for standalone executables, where you want to distribute your application as a single file without the need for users to have Python and the required libraries installed.

The freezing process involves these general steps:

  1. Write the Python scripts you want to include in your executable.
  2. Compile the scripts to bytecode (.pyc files)
  3. Create a custom Python interpreter with the bytecode files embedded (usually C code)
  4. Compile the custom Python interpreter into a binary executable

There are several tools available for freezing Python modules:

  1. cx_Freeze (https://cx-freeze.readthedocs.io)
  2. PyInstaller (https://www.pyinstaller.org)
  3. PyOxidizer (https://pyoxidizer.readthedocs.io)

Here’s an example using cx_Freeze:

  1. Install cx_Freeze:
pip install cx_Freeze
  1. Create a Python script named main.py:
def main():
    print("Hello, frozen world!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
  1. Create a setup.py script to configure cx_Freeze:
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

    description="A simple 'Hello, frozen world!' application",
  1. Run the setup.py script to create the executable:
python setup.py build

This will generate an executable in the "build" directory. You can run this executable without needing a Python installation or separate module files.

Note that this example is for a basic and small project. The complexity of the freezing process may vary depending on the size and dependencies involved in a project.

Answered By: Jordan Dimov
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