
Cannot install scipy (1.9.1) on 32-bit Windows 10 using pip (ERROR: ResolutionImpossible)

Cannot install scipy (1.9.1) on 32-bit Windows 10 using pip (ERROR: ResolutionImpossible) Question: I’ve been installing python 3.10 packages on 32-bit Windows 10. I had no problems with numpy or pandas but cannot seem to install scipy. I’ve been researching on the matter and found out scipy version 1.9.1 seems to have 32-bit wheels available. …

Total answers: 1

How do I install Python on Windows 7 32 bit?

How do I install Python on Windows 7 32 bit? Question: I went to the link here, python 3.8 download page, but there is no installer executable. How can I get the normal python installer download for older versions as is available on the most recent page? (edit) If this is a bad question, feel …

Total answers: 1

Python win32com – Class not registered error

Python win32com – Class not registered error Question: I’m trying to control a device (Gamry Interface 5000 Potentiostat) via its COM interface using win32com. # Imports import win32com.client as client # Get device list devices = client.Dispatch(‘GamryCOM.GamryDeviceList’) # Iterate through devices for i in range(devices.Count()): # Get device (this wors as we only have one …

Total answers: 3

Handling large dense matrices in python

Handling large dense matrices in python Question: Basically, what is the best way to go about storing and using dense matrices in python? I have a project that generates similarity metrics between every item in an array. Each item is a custom class, and stores a pointer to the other class and a number representing …

Total answers: 6