
Is it possible for 64-bit pyodbc to talk to 32-bit MS access database?

Is it possible for 64-bit pyodbc to talk to 32-bit MS access database? Question: I am using 64-bit python anaconda v4.4 which runs python v3. I have MS Access 2016 32-bit version. I would like to use pyodbc to get python to talk to Access. Is it possible to use 64-bit pyodbc to talk to …

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Python – Difference Between Windows SystemParametersInfoW vs SystemParametersInfoA Function

Python – Difference Between Windows SystemParametersInfoW vs SystemParametersInfoA Function Question: I have a quick question that I cannot seem to clarify, despite my research on Stack Overflow and beyond. My questions involves the Windows SystemParametersInfo function with its variants SystemParametersInfoW (Unicode) and SystemParametersInfoA (ANSI) in relation to a Python 3.x script. In a Python script …

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how to pip install 64 bit packages while having both 64 bit and 32 bit versions?

how to pip install 64 bit packages while having both 64 bit and 32 bit versions? Question: I have decided to learn generic algorithms recently and I needed to install Tensorflow package. Tensorflow run on python 64 bit only, so i install python 3.5.0 64 bit without uninstalling python 32 bit. because i was afraid …

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What does the Python version line mean?

What does the Python version line mean? Question: What does the line that’s displayed when you start an instance of the Python interpreter mean? Python 2.7 (r27:82525, Jul 4 2010, 07:43:08) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 So I know I have Python 2.7, but what about the rest? Especially confusing to me are …

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Which command to use for checking whether python is 64bit or 32bit

Which command to use for checking whether python is 64bit or 32bit Question: I am not able to find any command to check if my python is compiled for 32bit system or 64bit system. I tried python and it only tells the version Also when I go to python download site they have one version …

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Should I use Python 32bit or Python 64bit

Should I use Python 32bit or Python 64bit Question: I have a win7 64bit installation. Must I use Python 64bit? What are the differences between the 32bit and 64bit Python versions anyway? Do different Python packages (such as south, django, mysqldb etc) support only 32bit/64bit? Asked By: Jonathan Livni || Source Answers: You do not …

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Is it safe to use sys.platform=='win32' check on 64-bit Python?

Is it safe to use sys.platform=='win32' check on 64-bit Python? Question: The usual check to differentiate between running Python-application on Windows and on other OSes (Linux typically) is to use conditional: if sys.platform == ‘win32’: … But I wonder is it safe to use today when 64-bit Python is more widely used in last years? …

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How do I force Python to be 32-bit on Snow Leopard and other 32-bit/64-bit questions

How do I force Python to be 32-bit on Snow Leopard and other 32-bit/64-bit questions Question: When I run the following from a bash shell on my Mac: $ file /usr/bin/python I get the following three lines: /usr/bin/python (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64 /usr/bin/python (for architecture i386): Mach-O executable i386 /usr/bin/python (for architecture …

Total answers: 7