
[Python][Adobe Acrobat] Save PDF as Excel problem

[Python][Adobe Acrobat] Save PDF as Excel problem Question: I am working on converting PDF to Excel by adobe acrobat Pro and Python. Recently, the program can open adobe acrobat but it can save the pdf as excel file. Acrobat pop up an error message The specified file could not be written to. It may be …

Total answers: 2

Adobe Acrobat API in Python

Adobe Acrobat API in Python Question: System: Python 3.6 Windows 10 Goal: Use the Adobe Acrobat API to use the “Save As” feature to save a pdf to jpegs. Note: For my purposes I cannot use Wand or other packages. Resources: Adobe_API_Documentation Implementation_Example 1 Error_Handling_Issue VBA_Example Current Code: import winerror import win32com from win32com.client.dynamic import …

Total answers: 1