
How do I add together integers in a list in python?

How do I add together integers in a list (sum a list of numbers) in python? Question: Suppose I have a list of integers like [2, 4, 7, 12, 3]. How can I add all of the numbers together, to get 28? Asked By: MaxwellBrahms || Source Answers: This: sum([2, 4, 7, 12, 3]) You …

Total answers: 4

How to write a python function that adds all arguments?

How to write a python function that adds all arguments? Question: I’d like to write a python function which adds all its arguments, using + operator. Number of arguments are not specified: def my_func(*args): return arg1 + arg2 + arg3 + … How do I do it? Best Regards Asked By: alwbtc || Source Answers: …

Total answers: 5

Add to python path mac os x

Add to python path mac os x Question: I thought import sys sys.path.append(“/home/me/mydir”) is appending a dir to my pythonpath if I print sys.path my dir is in there. Then I open a new command and it is not there anymore. But somehow Python cant import modules I saved in that dir. What Am I …

Total answers: 7