
Sum of value in a dictionary

Sum of value in a dictionary Question: I’m new here. I wanted to sum all the values inside a dictionary, but my values are all strings, I don’t know how to convert the strings to integers… I really appreciate if anyone can help with it! Here’s the dictionary with code dic1 = dict() dic1 = …

Total answers: 2

python how to add all elements of a list together

python how to add all elements of a list together Question: if I had a list results = [‘1′,’4′,’73’,’92’] how do I get that list to call on itself and add all elements together? the elements have to be strings Asked By: hailice || Source Answers: You can use list comprehension to convert the list …

Total answers: 4

How do I add two integers together with Twisted?

How do I add two integers together with Twisted? Question: I have two integers in my program; let’s call them “a” and “b“. I would like to add them together and get another integer as a result. These are regular Python int objects. I’m wondering; how do I add them together with Twisted? Is there …

Total answers: 3