
Error AttributeError: module 'aiohttp' has no attribute 'ClientSession'

Error AttributeError: module 'aiohttp' has no attribute 'ClientSession' Question: Error AttributeError: module ‘aiohttp’ has no attribute ‘ClientSession’, But ClientSession exists in module, idk how to solve it. i tried everthing someone help import aiohttp import asyncio import json import time async def get_page (session,url): async with session.get(url) as r: return await r.text() async def get_all(session,urls) …

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Why is loop.create_task taking so long to execute?

Why is loop.create_task taking so long to execute? Question: I am trying to emulate the reading of a NFC chip by pressing the cmd key in a little python script that acts as a socket-io server. It’s job is to notify a client after the cmd key has been pressed. It works, but emulate_nfc_tag() takes …

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aiohttp: Tasks created from aiojobs.spawn() don't appear in main loop when doing `asyncio.Task.all_tasks()`

aiohttp: Tasks created from aiojobs.spawn() don't appear in main loop when doing `asyncio.Task.all_tasks()` Question: I am using asyncio.Task.all_tasks() to figure out which tasks to cancel & which should I wait for during shutdown. So it looks like this: web.run_app(web_app, port=PORT, handle_signals=True) # Then in case the app is stopped, we do cleanup loop.run_until_complete(wait_for_all_blocker_coroutines_to_finish()) This is …

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How to employ cache busting with aiohtttp and jinja2?

How to employ cache busting with aiohtttp and jinja2? Question: The documentation for aiohttp states: When you want to enable cache busting, parameter append_version can be set to True web.static(‘/prefix’, path_to_static_folder, append_version=True) (from here) My question is, how do I inject the version query into the resulting HTML? For e.g. I have: <img class="logo" src="/path_to/static/images/logo.png"> …

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How to share (initialize and close) aiohttp.ClientSession between Django async views to use connection pooling

How to share (initialize and close) aiohttp.ClientSession between Django async views to use connection pooling Question: Django supports async views since version 3.1, so it’s great for non-blocking calls to e.g. external HTTP APIs (using, for example, aiohttp). I often see the following code sample, which I think is conceptually wrong (although it works perfectly …

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Why I can't fetch responses from aiohttp in cycle? Exception: ValueError: I/O operation on closed file + aiohttp.payload.LookupError

Why I can't fetch responses from aiohttp in cycle? Exception: ValueError: I/O operation on closed file + aiohttp.payload.LookupError Question: When I tried to get response from each api_key in cycle I’m always confused with two errors – ValueError: I/O operation on closed file AND aiohttp.payload.LookupError… async def get_api_response(photo_bytes, api_key, language): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: …

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Websocket getting closed immediately after connecting to FastAPI Endpoint

Websocket getting closed immediately after connecting to FastAPI Endpoint Question: I’m trying to connect a websocket aiohttp client to a fastapi websocket endpoint, but I can’t send or recieve any data because it seems that the websocket gets closed immediately after connecting to the endpoint. server import uvicorn from fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket app = …

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aiohttp: Getting a server's response when the request status code is not 2XX

aiohttp: Getting a server's response when the request status code is not 2XX Question: I’m using aiohttp for async http requests, and I can’t figure out how to get the response from a server when the request returns a 4XX error. async def login(self, username: str, password: str) -> None: … async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=self._headers) as …

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Socket error (An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket) on aiohttp function

Socket error (An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket) on aiohttp function Question: async def simultaneous_chunked_download(urls_paths, label): timeout = ClientTimeout(total=60000) sem = asyncio.Semaphore(5) async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=timeout, connector=aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=False)) as cs: async def _fetch(r, path): async with sem: async with, "wb") as f: async for chunk in r.content.iter_any(): if not chunk: break …

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asyncio create task and aiohttp , 'no running event loop'

asyncio create task and aiohttp , 'no running event loop' Question: Im trying to make a Pyqt5 app with aiohttp request, and asyncio tasks. Im using quamash package too and it requires Python 3.7 so i installed this version.(it didn’t work on Python 3.10) The main reason i use asyncio and quamash is because i …

Total answers: 3