
How do you take raw voice input from an Alexa device

How do you take raw voice input from an Alexa device Question: I have created an Alexa skill which I can successfully interact with using various intents. However, these are fixed answers/inputs. I would like to receive raw input from the Alexa device into my Amazon AWS Lambda function. For example, if I had the …

Total answers: 1

How to access file in /tmp directory of AWS Lambda

How to access file in /tmp directory of AWS Lambda Question: I have downloaded a file from a URL into the /tmp directory of AWS Lambda(as this was the only writable path in Lambda). My motive is to create an Alexa Skill which will download file from an URL. Hence I created a lambda function. …

Total answers: 2

Alexa Flask Ask Yes / No response handling

Alexa Flask Ask Yes / No response handling Question: I am trying to create a simple Alexa skill using Flask Ask in python. I have an intent called "SearchIntent" with a "searchterm" slot and the python code looks something like this: @ask.intent("SearchIntent") def SearchIntent(searchterm): resList = [] searchterm = searchterm.lower() for item in somelist: if …

Total answers: 1

How do I add python libraries to an AWS lambda function for Alexa?

How do I add python libraries to an AWS lambda function for Alexa? Question: I was following the tutorial to create an Alexa app using Python: Python Alexa Tutorial I was able to successfully follow all the steps and get the app to work.I now want to modify the python code and use external libraries …

Total answers: 9