
Automate AWS ECR scanning

Automate AWS ECR scanning Question: I have tried to automate ECR image scanning using AWS CLI. But I was stuck in the scanning step. When I call aws ecr start-image-scan, it starts the scanning. But how I know the scanning is finish. My images are large and it takes few minutes. Could someone help me …

Total answers: 2

Error while updating ECR permission using boto3 client

Error while updating ECR permission using boto3 client Question: We are trying to update the permission of an ECR repository using boto3 sdk. import json import boto3 access_key = "*******" secret_access = "*******" ecr_repo_name = ‘repo-name’ client = boto3.client(‘ecr’, region_name="eu-west-1", aws_access_key_id=access_key, aws_secret_access_key=secret_access) single_template = { "Version": "2008-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ECR_cross_account_access", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": …

Total answers: 1

Boto3: How to get newest docker image from ECR?

Boto3: How to get newest docker image from ECR? Question: I want to get the newest Docker image from ECR using boto3. Currently I’m using describe_images method from the ecr client and I get a dictionary with imageDetails import boto3 registry_name = ‘some_registry_name_in_aws’ client = boto3.client(‘ecr’) response = client.describe_images( repositoryName=registry_name, ) there’s a solution for …

Total answers: 1