
How can I help scale an Elasticache (redis) set up with Lambda (SDK)?

How can I help scale an Elasticache (redis) set up with Lambda (SDK)? Question: I’m implementing a solution that basically involves a Redis high/low CPU Utilization –> (CW Alarm goes off) –> EventBridge Event –> Triggers Lambda –> Lambda scales in Redis I want this Lambda to check the the number of shards currently being …

Total answers: 1

How to access Elasticache and Internet in AWS Lambda?

How to access Elasticache and Internet in AWS Lambda? Question: I just wrote a python script that connect to the AWS ElastiCache. And it just check the connection. from redis import Redis try: redis = Redis(host=’’, port=6379, db=0) if not raise("REDIS can’t be initialized") return True except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return False When …

Total answers: 1