
Error: InvalidSignature when trying to connect to SP-API amazon

Error: InvalidSignature when trying to connect to SP-API amazon Question: I’ve trying to connect to amazon api for a week now. I’ve got stuck in this error and after readig the doc several times I can’t realize which is the problem. Here is my code: # Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. …

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Get All Reviews From Amazon? Python 3

Get All Reviews From Amazon? Python 3 Question: I am trying to read all the reviews of a product from python. I have a script, but it does not work. parser = html.fromstring(page_response) XPATH_AGGREGATE = ‘//span[@id=”acrCustomerReviewText”]’ XPATH_REVIEW_SECTION_1 = ‘//div[@data-hook=”reviews-content”]’ XPATH_REVIEW_SECTION_2 = ‘//div[@data-hook=”review”]’ XPATH_AGGREGATE_RATING = ‘//table[@id=”histogramTable”]//tr’ XPATH_PRODUCT_NAME = ‘//h1//span[@id=”productTitle”]//text()’ XPATH_PRODUCT_PRICE = ‘//span[@id=”priceblock_ourprice”]/text()’ raw_product_price = parser.xpath(XPATH_PRODUCT_PRICE) product_price …

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Extract Products/Prices/Categories/Specs from Amazon Inventory

Extract Products/Prices/Categories/Specs from Amazon Inventory Question: I am a Django developer and recently I got some project where I need to render Amazon’s inventory to Django website. Is there some sort of solution that allows to share their products or do I have to manage it with scraper . Asked By: Shazia Nusrat || …

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Caching urls with Bottlenose python Amazon product advertising API

Caching urls with Bottlenose python Amazon product advertising API Question: i would like to find a way to use the cache function with bottlenose, i found somewhere that i can do it with this code but unfortunately i don’t know what to import to work with the cache : def reader(cache_url): return cache.ram(cache_url,lambda: None,time_expire=86400) #Time …

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ImportError: No module named lxml – Even though LXML Is installed

ImportError: No module named lxml – Even though LXML Is installed Question: I’m getting this error "ImportError: No module named lxml" Even though LXML Is definitely installed. Specifically it’s installed within the python Virtualenv for the project. and ultimately I’m working on the Python/Amazon Product API. I get the error after trying to run one …

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Error about Amazon Product API with bottlenose

Error about Amazon Product API with bottlenose Question: I am using the bottlenose for Amazon Product API. I simply created some codes and met the error below: Code I created: ak = “my access key” sk = “My secret key” import bottlenose amazon = bottlenose.Amazon(ak, sk) response=amazon.ItemLookup(ItemId=”0596520999″, ResponseGroup=”Images”, SearchIndex=”Books”, IdType=”ISBN”,Style=””) % reference from the README …

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Item_search not returning all offers

Item_search not returning all offers Question: I’m using the item_search method of the amazon product api, but noticed that even though the total number of offers returned can be pretty high, not all the offers are returned by item_search. Is there a way to get item_search to return all the offers? I’m using the ‘Large’ …

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Amazon api not returning results aligned with the amazon website results

Amazon api not returning results aligned with the amazon website results Question: I’m using the python-amazon-product-api to create a search bar which will return results similar to the results returned on the amazon site. However, when I do an itemSearch, as follows, I get some results, but it only returns products which are sold and …

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Using Amazon's API to find a product's UPC (Python)

Using Amazon's API to find a product's UPC (Python) Question: I’ve been trying to create a python script that uses a product’s ASIN to return (via Amazon’s API) its UPC. The module I’ve attempted to use thusfar is python-amazon-product-api (, but it doesn’t appear that this module supplies the UPC (or, at least, I can’t …

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Categorize book authors as fiction vs non-fiction

Categorize book authors as fiction vs non-fiction Question: For my own personal purposes, I have about ~300 authors (full name) of various books. I want to partition this list into “fiction authors” and “non-fiction authors”. If an author writes both, then the majority gets the vote. I looked at Amazon Product Search API: I can …

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