
Model generated by AWS autopilot

Model generated by AWS autopilot Question: After AWS Autopilot creates a model, How to use that model to the training data set offline? How to use that .tar.gz model file? Asked By: user15729434 || Source Answers: The .tar.gz file is a model artifact To create a model, you combine the algorithm container and the model …

Total answers: 1

How to tell programmatically that an AWS Step Function execution has been completed?

How to tell programmatically that an AWS Step Function execution has been completed? Question: I am triggering a Step Function execution via a Python cell in a SageMaker Notebook, like this: state_machine_arn = ‘arn:aws:states:us-west-1:1234567891:stateMachine:alexanderMyPackageStateMachineE3411O13-A1vQWERTP9q9’ sfn = boto3.client(‘stepfunctions’) .. sfn.start_execution(**kwargs) # Non Blocking Call run_arn = response[‘executionArn’] print(f"Started run {run_name}. ARN is {run_arn}.") and then in …

Total answers: 1

SageMaker experiments store

SageMaker experiments store Question: I just started using aws sagemaker for running and maintaining models, experiments. just wanted to know is there any persistent layer for the sagemaker from where i can get data of my experiments/models instead of looking into the sagemaker studio. Does sagemaker saves the experiments or its data like s3 location …

Total answers: 1

How to use a pretrained model from s3 to predict some data?

How to use a pretrained model from s3 to predict some data? Question: I have trained a semantic segmentation model using the sagemaker and the out has been saved to a s3 bucket. I want to load this model from the s3 to predict some images in sagemaker. I know how to predict if I …

Total answers: 3

Load S3 Data into AWS SageMaker Notebook

Load S3 Data into AWS SageMaker Notebook Question: I’ve just started to experiment with AWS SageMaker and would like to load data from an S3 bucket into a pandas dataframe in my SageMaker python jupyter notebook for analysis. I could use boto to grab the data from S3, but I’m wondering whether there is a …

Total answers: 9