
Lambda function timeout error when setting up SNS

Lambda function timeout error when setting up SNS Question: I am getting this error when trying to send and SNS email via lambda function: "errorMessage": "Connect timeout on endpoint URL: """, "errorType": "ConnectTimeoutError" I have all the policies set up with SNS full access to the respective role tied to function. Here is the full …

Total answers: 1

AWS CDK: SNS HTTPS Subscription "Must provide protocol if url is unresolved"

AWS CDK: SNS HTTPS Subscription "Must provide protocol if url is unresolved" Question: I’m having trouble finding any message on this is the documentation. I know that this line is the problem line, because when I comment it out, "cdk deploy" works just fine. Basically, I am getting a url as a parameter from the …

Total answers: 1

ClientError: An error occurred (InternalFailure) when calling the Publish operation (reached max retries: 4)

ClientError: An error occurred (InternalFailure) when calling the Publish operation (reached max retries: 4) Question: I am simply trying to publish to an SNS topic using a lambda function. The function code as follows, with ARN being the actual SNS topic ARN: import boto3 print(‘Loading function’) def lambda_handler(event, context): client = boto3.client(‘sns’) response = client.publish( …

Total answers: 2