
Td Ameritrade download historical data with endDate startDate

Td Ameritrade download historical data with endDate startDate Question: I can’t figure out how to get data for a given day. Using the annual line in my code, I know the milisecond value of give date. 1612159200000.00 AAPL 2/1/2021 6:00 1612418400000.00 AAPL 2/4/2021 6:00 But putting these value in the code doesn’t work data=get_price_history(symbol=i, endDate=1612418400000 …

Total answers: 2

Td Ameritrade Api returning empty json reponse for historical API call

Td Ameritrade Api returning empty json reponse for historical API call Question: I am trying to create a function that returns a days historical data for a certain symbol in python and have run across an error where whenever I call this function it return to me: [{‘candles’: [], ‘symbol’: ‘snap’, ’empty’: True}, {‘candles’: [], …

Total answers: 2