
Is there a method to run an Anaconda environment in Google Colab?

Is there a method to run an Anaconda environment in Google Colab? Question: I am having a YML file for a Conda environment that run with Python 3.8.15 (environment.yml). I am currently trying to load that file into my Google Colab, based on this answer: conda environment in google colab [google-colaboratory]. !wget -c !chmod …

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Pandas' Series.plot() stacks disjoint segments instead of adjoining them

Pandas' Series.plot() stacks disjoint segments instead of adjoining them Question: I’m following the video from 2018 or 2019 on Coursera that explains the basics of how to use pandas. The examples are based on the Facebook stock data that one can download in CSV format (e.g., from Yahoo Finance). I came across a difference in …

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Anaconda Installation Failed on macOS Ventura

Anaconda Installation Failed on macOS Ventura Question: I am trying to install Anaconda on my new MacBook which has Ventura 13.1 installed. I am installing only for myself and the installation fails. Can someone please help? Edit 1 I have followed this link but I do not see that. Edit 2 As it was a …

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Why is pip not letting me install torch==1.9.1+cu111 in a new conda env when I have another conda env that has exactly that version?

Why is pip not letting me install torch==1.9.1+cu111 in a new conda env when I have another conda env that has exactly that version? Question: When I run the pip install in the new conda env: (base) brando9~ $ pip install torch==1.9.1+cu111 torchvision==0.10.1+cu111 torchaudio==0.9.1 -f Looking in links: ERROR: Could not find a …

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MemoryError in Jupyter but not in Python

MemoryError in Jupyter but not in Python Question: I’m running NAME="CentOS Linux" VERSION="7 (Core)" ID="centos" ID_LIKE="rhel fedora" VERSION_ID="7" with plenty of memory total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 125G 3.3G 104G 879M 17G 120G 64 bit Anaconda I have set max_buffer_size to 64GB in both jupyter_notebook_config.json and, and just to make sure …

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No Clang component for MSVC found

No Clang component for MSVC found Question: I’m using anaconda Nuitka packages to obfuscate my python script I’ve done below steps: installed Microsoft visual studio community edition 2022 with python development and Desktop development with C++ installed individual components: I have also installed microsoft_build_tools_2015_update_3_x86_x64 and visual_2015_redistributable_update_3_x86 added to path system variable: clang.exe, clang++.exe and …

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Unable to install fastquant in new virtualenv conda

Unable to install fastquant in new virtualenv conda Question: In base environment I have already installed fastquant package but after creating and activating new conda environment I am not able to install the fastquant package. I already have pandas 1.5.2 but when I install fastquant it is trying to install pandas 1.1.5 as it is …

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Error while connecting to snowflake via python "UnpicklingError: invalid load key, 'x00'"

Error while connecting to snowflake via python "UnpicklingError: invalid load key, 'x00'" Question: I am getting the following error while connecting to snowflake via python using snowflake.connector.connect import snowflake.connector #pip install snowflake-connector-python #i am getting the env from .env file i stored locally cnx = snowflake.connector.connect(user=os.getenv(‘USER’),password=os.getenv(‘PASSWORD’),account=os.getenv(‘ACCOUNT’),warehouse=os.getenv(‘WAREHOUSE’), database=db,schema=schema ) This was working fine until today when …

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PackageNotFoundError even though required channel added to anaconda config?

PackageNotFoundError even though required channel added to anaconda config? Question: I am working with Ubuntu in WSL and tried to install the required packages for a repo with: $ conda install –file requirements.txt I got a PackageNotFoundError for a bunch of different packages. I search on for the required channels and added them. But …

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Error intsalling tensorflow-gpu on Windows 10 : UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be incompatible with each other

Error intsalling tensorflow-gpu on Windows 10 : UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be incompatible with each other Question: For installing TensorFlow-gpu on a Windows 10 machine, I followed step-by-step this very detailed post but I got stuck at the step of installing the library tensorflow-gpu (I had previusly uninstalled the already existing …

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