
Python Color Escape Sequences Different Foreground and Background color with 256 colors

ANSI Color Escape Sequences Different Foreground and Background color with 256 colors Question: I’m using the ANSI Escape Sequence codes to add color to terminal output in my program. I am mainly using this code, where COLOR can be any value between 0 and 255 to achieve great color variation. 33[38;5;COLOR;1m TEXT u001b[0m The problem …

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How do I print the value of a dictionary in color with Python?

How do I print the value of a dictionary in color with Python? Question: I know how I can print the statements in color: print("33[32m Hello! 33[0m") or with Rich print("[green]Hello![/green]"). But how do I print a dictionary’s value(s) in color when it comes from a list? Or a dictionary’s value(s) in general? EX: dict …

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ANSI color not working for Git Bash on Windows 10 using Windows Terminal

ANSI color not working for Git Bash on Windows 10 using Windows Terminal Question: I’m using Git Bash on Windows 10 with Windows Terminal and for this Python project, the ANSI escape sequence are not working. from colorama import init, Fore from sys import stdout init(convert=True) # code … I tried to print a test …

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VSCode: ANSI Colors in Terminal

VSCode: ANSI Colors in Terminal Question: How do I print text in ansi colors in the terminal with python? I have this code to test what code has what effect on the text: for i in range(0, 55): print(f”33[{i}mAt {i} THIS happens! 33[0m”) But all I see is: ←[0mAt 0 THIS happens! ←[0m ←[1mAt 1 …

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How to open .txt file that contains ansi color codes

How to open .txt file that contains ansi color codes Question: In my telnet server written in python, if i send a message to client socket like this: socket.send(“33[32;1mHello!33[0m”) then it is correctly colorized for the client. But when i use a text file, for example, hello.txt with such content: 33[32;1mHello!33[0m and send it like …

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python colored text without modifying the string

python colored text without modifying the string Question: I have a python string: my_string = ‘thisisjustadummystringfortestingpurposes’ I want to print some regions of the string with color red, so I use ANSI escape codes: red: ‘x1b[31m’ black: ‘x1b[0m’ Then what I do is, I create a new string with the ANSI codes inserted. Example: my_color_seq …

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Clearing the last line in the terminal when text wraps around

Clearing the last line in the terminal when text wraps around Question: In my python program I want to print progress over a very long loop. I want to output specific information like percent complete etc…, but I don’t want all this output to take up the whole screen. Ideally, I want to to print …

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Determine the terminal cursor position with an ANSI sequence in Python 3

Determine the terminal cursor position with an ANSI sequence in Python 3 Question: I want to write a little script which prints images to the terminal with /usr/lib/w3mimgdisplay(like in mac osx lsi). Therefore i need the the actual cursor position (or caret position) when the script has started. So far i figured out to get …

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How can I “manually” get my terminal to return its (character) size?

How can I “manually” get my terminal to return its (character) size? Question: Programs like resize ask the terminal about its size. And ultimately they will send some (ANSI) escape sequences to stdout and expect the terminal to react on those by itself returning some bytes. The effect of the mechanism is visible with this …

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