
Plot with low resolution curves

Plot with low resolution curves Question: My problem requirement is to redraw a graph with curves at low resolution. As shown below: Is there a way to do it with matplotlib library or any image processing solution? Currently matplotlib is producing lines with very high smoothness as shown below: Here is the drawing function I …

Total answers: 1

Pygame draw anti-aliased thick line

Pygame draw anti-aliased thick line Question: I used to draw lines (given some start and end points) at pygame like this: pygame.draw.line(window, color_L1, X0, X1, 2), where 2 was defining the thickness of the line. As, anti-aliasing is not supported by .draw, so I moved to .gfxdraw and pygame.gfxdraw.line(window, X0[0], X0[1], X1[0], X1[1], color_L1). However, …

Total answers: 6

Pygame draw antialiased filled polygon

Pygame draw antialiased filled polygon Question: The documentation says “For aapolygon, use aalines with the ‘closed’ parameter.”, but pygame.draw.aalines doesn’t let me specify the width (0 = filled), making it not fill the surface. This looks just terrible: These circles look much better: How can I do this? I generate the surface using quadratic beziers, …

Total answers: 3

change strength of antialiasing in matplotlib

change strength of antialiasing in matplotlib Question: Is it possible to increase the antialiasing in matplotlib? I can still see some aliasing in my data, I tried several backends and it is still there. The antialiasing flag of the lines is set. Here you can see what I mean It’s a sample taken from a …

Total answers: 2