
Antlr4 parse issues when changing lexer rule to parser rule| python

Antlr4 parse issues when changing lexer rule to parser rule| python Question: I am new to antlr, and I have been facing some issues when it comes to properly parsing the source code, this is my grammar: compilationUnit : (assignment | declarationList | definitionList)* EOF ; block : LC RC ; assignment: typeSpecifier? IDENTIFIER ‘=’ …

Total answers: 1

No module named antlr4 in python 2.7

No module named antlr4 in python 2.7 Question: I would like to use ANTLR4 with Python 2.7 and for this I did the following: I installed the package antlr4-4.6-1 on Arch Linux with sudo pacman -S antlr4. I wrote a MyGrammar.g4 file and successfully generated Lexer and Parser Code with antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python2 MyGrammar.g4 Now executing …

Total answers: 3

ANTLR4 + Python parsing from string instead of path

ANTLR4 + Python parsing from string instead of path Question: I am using ANTLR4 with Python and I am currently using the following code for parsing: lexer = MyGrammarLexer(FileStream(path)) stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = MyGrammarParser(stream) return parser.start().object However, I would like to change this code to parse directly from a given string instead of a …

Total answers: 1