
Install mod-wsgi in a poetry virtual environment

Install mod-wsgi in a poetry virtual environment Question: I have a django app. I’ve created a poetry virtual environment to manage dependencies. This app runs on python 3.10. My pyproject.toml looks like this: [tool.poetry] name = "django_manager" version = "0.1.0" description = "A Game manager" authors = [""] [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.10" Django = "^4.1.7" …

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wsgi:error ModuleNotFoundError in my webapp model

wsgi:error ModuleNotFoundError in my webapp model Question: Hello IT ladies and IT gentlemen. Please, help me with non-recognized folder "devices". I have a program for reading data from robot. And data are stored in "devices" folder. My file structure: GRP devices _ _ init _ _.py dev1.py dev2.py dev3.py webapp.py tools _ _ init _ …

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Using Python FastAPI. Web server running apache how to serve static folder over HTTPS

Using Python FastAPI. Web server running apache how to serve static folder over HTTPS Question: When using FastAPI all files in my static folder are served over HTTP and not HTTPS. To be more clear they’re not being severed over my domain but the localhost of my webserver. I’m assuming this is something between how …

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How to configure apache for flask and php on the same server

How to configure apache for flask and php on the same server Question: The server that I’ve been upgrading/updating has pages using php and python. I’ve rewritten the python based pages using the Flask framework and apache is configured using wsgi: <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName my_fake_site … AliasMatch ^/((?:flask_dir1|flask_dir2).*).((css|php|png)$((?:?.*)?)) /var/www/html/app/$1.$2 AliasMatch ^/(.*).(css|html|php|png) /var/www/html/$1.$2 WSGIDaemonProcess main_proc processes=8 …

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module object is not callable error with Flask and Apache on Windows

module object is not callable error with Flask and Apache on Windows Question: I’ve recently set up apache server to serve my flask app on windows. Let me tell you about my setup. I’ve download apache through apache lounge. Have extracted it in C:Apache24. I did install mod_wsgi in a virtual python 3.7.7 Copied mod_wsgi …

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PDF is not saving in locally in flask server

PDF is not saving in locally in flask server Question: im running a script that converts images to a pdf file and saves the pdf locally, it works on my windows machine, but on my flask server they arent saving. here is the code from cmath import e from os import link from pickle import …

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Get remote IP – cloudflare – apache reverse proxy – flask

Get remote IP – cloudflare – apache reverse proxy – flask Question: I have setup apache reverse proxy for my flask app and everything is behind cloudflare. I have restored original remote IP wiht this https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200170786-Restoring-original-visitor-IPs with Installing mod_remoteip In apache access log there is restored IP so that is working, but in my flask …

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Run public python http.server on Plesk

Run public python http.server on Plesk Question: I have a script that runs with python3 -m http.server 8080 locally without issues on http://localhost:8080 I wanted to make it live on my web server running Plesk/Ubuntu. First, I installed python3 via SSH and tried to run the same and it returns: View in browser: http://localhost:8080 however, …

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