Scraping site does not work when using a function in selenium in python

Scraping site does not work when using a function in selenium in python Question: I want to scrape a .net website, i make this code from scrapy import Selector from selenium import webdriver from import By from import ChromeDriverManager class BoursakuwaitSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = ‘boursakuwait’ custom_settings = { ‘FEED_URI’: ‘second.json’, ‘FEED_FORMAT’: ‘json’, } …

Total answers: 1

BeautifulSoup with Selenium for ASPX

BeautifulSoup with Selenium for ASPX Question: I am trying to scrape this page (AAG is only as example): The main ‘issue’ is most of the page’s content changes when cycling through the ‘buttons’ (<input type=’submit’) under the ctl00_body_IFTC_btnlist <div> (visible as Overview / Trading / Charts / News / Financials / Issuer profile for …

Total answers: 1

Can't send POST request to an old website

Can't send POST request to an old website Question: I tried different methods for so long to submit a POST request to a form using Python requests but no luck. I’m trying to send ‘3513’ to form’s text field which has the name TextTrnNo and then get the information from the website. One of my …

Total answers: 1

How do I let python know that I click "search" button for aspx website?

How do I let python know that I click "search" button for aspx website? Question: I want to get all the shareholding in CCASS and % of the total number of issued shares from on 03/04/2017. Here is the link. Here is my code. import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = “” data …

Total answers: 2

Sending an POST with Python's Requests

Sending an POST with Python's Requests Question: I’m scraping an old website using Python’s requests module. I’ve spent 5+ hours trying to figure out how to simulate this POST request to no avail. Doing it the way I do it below, I essentially get a message saying “No item matches this item reference.” …

Total answers: 2