
Python: How to Resize Raster Image with PyQt

Python: How to Resize Raster Image with PyQt Question: I need to find a way to re-size an input raster image (such as jpg) to a specified width/height resolution (given in pixels). It would be great if PyQt while resizing a new image would keep an original image’s aspect ratio (so there is no stretching …

Total answers: 1

matplotlib (equal unit length): with 'equal' aspect ratio z-axis is not equal to x- and y-

matplotlib (equal unit length): with 'equal' aspect ratio z-axis is not equal to x- and y- Question: When I set up an equal aspect ratio for a 3d graph, the z-axis does not change to ‘equal’. So this: fig = pylab.figure() mesFig = fig.gca(projection=’3d’, adjustable=’box’) mesFig.axis(‘equal’) mesFig.plot(xC, yC, zC, ‘r.’) mesFig.plot(xO, yO, zO, ‘b.’) …

Total answers: 10