
How to use association in two classes in python programming

How to use association in two classes in python programming Question: I have two classes: Rectangle() and Figures (). I need to connect these two classes with Association. But i have no idea how to call methods: get_perimeter() and get_area() from Rectangle() in Figures. i need to use method get_perimeters() in class Figures with using …

Total answers: 1

Finding what is most commonly purchased with a specific product – PANDAS

Finding what is most commonly purchased with a specific product – PANDAS Question: I am trying to find the most common products purchased with the product ‘SWE’ but am currently stuck. I have the variables ‘product’ and ‘sales_invoice’ So far I have this code: df_pairs = df_pairs = df.groupby(df[‘product’].str.contains(‘SWE’))[‘sales_invoice’] print(df_pairs.head()) it results in a list …

Total answers: 1