
Issue with FTX US API

Issue with FTX US API Question: I have looked through the FTX API documentation found here: And I’ve looked at the example code found in this repo: I can’t get or post anything that requires Authentication. I am using the API key on my account that has ‘full trade permissions’, and when I …

Total answers: 1

Identify a userid within an on_presence_update in

Identify a userid within an on_presence_update in Question: Hey everyone I’m working on a discord bot for fun using and Im trying to identify when a certain user gets online, in the code below basically everything works except for the part which i can’t get to work. How can i check the …

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GitHub raw text file content is used to login in Python

GitHub raw text file content is used to login in Python Question: So I have this little problem that i wanted to make a little script that gets the website content text from a raw .txt file in GitHub. Everything works fine it gets the 4-digit login code and prints it, but when i ask …

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Django Rest Framework/Djoser sending role information to frontend (Vue)

Django Rest Framework/Djoser sending role information to frontend (Vue) Question: I am working on a simple site with a login functionality. To handle auth in the backend I am using the Djoser library. I have login functionality working. However now I want to create a site on my frontend which has restricted access based on …

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Selenium send_keys – method sends xpath( Python abnormal behavior )

Selenium send_keys – method sends xpath( Python abnormal behavior ) Question: I am working on a Tinder project and for that I would like to log in with google. I managed to hide from and I could log in with success, however when I use the send_keys method to send my email, it sends the …

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Limit Access to a Telegram Bot

Limit Access to a Telegram Bot Question: I’ve written a telegram bot using aiogram. I want to restrict it so some certain users can access it. I’ve read this question, which has answers for different telegram bot libraries. But for the aiogram, the only solution I’ve found is to add an "if condition" that checks …

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Email verification in Django

Email verification in Django Question: I am having a web-app in Django. I tried using the tokengenerator for password reset to create a verification mail, it’s not activating the email. Coming to the problem: While the user provides email, it should check whether the email is present in the DB. (DB will be updated with …

Total answers: 4

Trouble using bottle-jwt decorator (not works)

Trouble using bottle-jwt decorator (not works) Question: Having some trouble using this plugin It seems to not work as I expected, down below my code: import bottle from Py.engine import * from bottle_jwt import (JWTProviderPlugin, jwt_auth_required) class AuthBackend(object): user = {‘id’: 1237832, ‘username’: ‘pav’, ‘password’: ‘123’, ‘data’: {‘sex’: ‘male’, ‘active’: True}} def authenticate_user(self, username, …

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Python: Encode Base64 to Basic connect to an API

Python: Encode Base64 to Basic connect to an API Question: I’m trying to connect to an API and I’ve to encode64 the username and password. The ‘Authorisation’ value should look like this: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ When I try to connect I get an error: ‘Unauthorized: Bad credentials’. The support says that my credentials are ok, but …

Total answers: 2