
How do I return word under cursor in tkinter?

How do I return word under cursor in tkinter? Question: I want to make a text editor with autocompletion feature. What I need is somehow get the text which is selected by mouse (case #1) or just a word under cursor(case #2) to compare it against a list of word I want to be proposed …

Total answers: 2

Sublime Text 2 & 3 setup for python / django with code completion

Sublime Text 2 & 3 setup for python / django with code completion Question: I want to use an autocomplete plugin with sublime text for web development. I’m using django framework. I’ve looked into the following possible options. Not really a question, just for reference, I’ve added these here. The listing order represents popularity to …

Total answers: 3

How to write code to autocomplete words and sentences?

How to write code to autocomplete words and sentences? Question: I’d like to write code that does autocompletion in the Linux terminal. The code should work as follows. It has a list of strings (e.g. "hello, "hi", "how are you", "goodbye", "great", …). In the terminal, the user will start typing and when there is …

Total answers: 6

Autocomplete in PyCharm for Python compiled extensions

Autocomplete in PyCharm for Python compiled extensions Question: When writing Python code using compiled extensions (the OpenCV Python bindings, for example), PyCharm doesn’t seem to be aware of their availability. The imports are marked with a grey underline, saying “unresolved reference” as a tooltip, and autocomplete doesn’t work, either. (Except for the function names already …

Total answers: 10

ropemacs USAGE tutorial

ropemacs USAGE tutorial Question: There are many sites with instructions on installing ropemacs, but so far I couldn’t find any with instructions on how to use it after it’s already installed. I have it installed, or at least it seems so, Emacs has “Rope” menu in it’s top menu bar. Now what? So far I …

Total answers: 4

Disable autocomplete on textfield in Django?

Disable autocomplete on textfield in Django? Question: Does anyone know how you can turn off autocompletion on a textfield in Django? For example, a form that I generate from my model has an input field for a credit card number. It is bad practice to leave autocompletion on. When making the form by hand, I’d …

Total answers: 5

How to make a python, command-line program autocomplete arbitrary things NOT interpreter

How to make a python, command-line program autocomplete arbitrary things NOT interpreter Question: I am aware of how to setup autocompletion of python objects in the python interpreter (on unix). Google shows many hits for explanations on how to do this. Unfortunately, there are so many references to that it is difficult to find what …

Total answers: 9