
How to read a line from text file (file containing logs) and remove timestamp IF it's there?

How to read a line from text file (file containing logs) and remove timestamp IF it's there? Question: I am writing an automated code that opens a text file and reads it line by line: if __name__ == ‘__main__’: #Argument Required: Full directory of log file for processing parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("–logDestination", dest="logDest", help="Provide the …

Total answers: 1

Automatically Update Python source code (imports)

Automatically Update Python source code (imports) Question: We are refactoring our code base. Old: from a.b import foo_method New: from b.d import bar_method Both methods (foo_method() and bar_method()) are the same. It just changed the name an the package. Since above example is just one example of many ways a method can be imported, I …

Total answers: 4