
Intermittent ConnectTimeoutError from within Docker, but only when accessing AWS SSM

Intermittent ConnectTimeoutError from within Docker, but only when accessing AWS SSM Question: My app uses SSM Parameter Store from within a Docker container both on Fargate instances and locally. I’m accessing it with Boto3 from Python. Multiple developers on my team, in different countries, have seen an intermittent issue, cropping up maybe a few times …

Total answers: 1

Execute commands on EC2 using subprocess and aws ssm

Execute commands on EC2 using subprocess and aws ssm Question: I am working with group of EC2 instances that are deployed in a subnet. I usually use the aws ssm command aws ssm start-session –region us-east-2 –target i-01234567abcdef –profile profile-one to connect to that ec2 instance and run commands such as ssh mirrora to go …

Total answers: 1

BOTO3 Waiter Types for SSM

BOTO3 Waiter Types for SSM Question: Does anyone know the available waiter types for SSM? The BOTO3 documentation is missing a section. It says “See the waiters section”, but there is no such a section. Googling online didn’t help much, as it’s not a common topic at all. Asked By: gye || Source Answers: You …

Total answers: 3

Boto3 AWS API error responses for SSM

Boto3 AWS API error responses for SSM Question: I am using a simple boto3 script to retrieve a parameter from SSM param store in my aws account. The python script looks like below: client = get_boto3_client(‘ssm’, ‘us-east-1′) try: response = client.get_parameter(Name=’my_param_name’,WithDecryption=True) except Exception as e: logging.error(“retrieve param error: {0}”.format(e)) raise e return response If the …

Total answers: 3