
Authenticating Azure CLI with Python SDK

Authenticating Azure CLI with Python SDK Question: I am writing some functions to extract data from Azure. I am using the Python subprocess library with the Azure CLI commands as they are easier and better documented thank the Python SDK. My question comes whether it is possible to combine the Azure CLI commands with the …

Total answers: 1

Azure CLI publish python app function error Can't find app with name

Azure CLI publish python app function error Can't find app with name Question: Trying to publish a Python Azure function app to Azure and getting this error: (.venv) PS C:UsersjmatsonsourcereposfuntionAppPythonGetInSiteTasks> func azure functionapp publish functionAppPythonGetInSiteTasks –remote Can’t find app with name “functionAppPythonGetInSiteTasks” Directory structure: Mode LastWriteTime Length Name —- ————- —— —- d—– 3/10/2019 11:06 …

Total answers: 5