
Azure Pronunciation Assessment SDK return wrong result compare with api call

Azure Pronunciation Assessment SDK return wrong result compare with api call Question: I’m using azure speech sdk to do pronunciation assessment, it works fine when i used api provide by azure, but when i use speech sdk the result is not correct. I follow the sample from cognitive services speech sdk Here is the code …

Total answers: 2

Azure text to speech and play it in virtual microphone using python

Azure text to speech and play it in virtual microphone using python Question: My use case is to convert text to speech using Azure and then play it into a virtual microphone. option 1 – with an intermediate .wav file I tried both steps manually on a Jupiter notebook. The problem is, the output .wav …

Total answers: 2

Form Recognizer speed issues

Form Recognizer speed issues Question: I’m using a custom model with labels (created with the sample labeling tool) and getting the results with the “Python Form Recognizer Async Analyze” V2 SDK Code from the bottom of this 1 page. It basicly works but it took over 20 seconds for a single page PDF file to …

Total answers: 2