
Azure DataBricks ImportError: cannot import name dataclass_transform

Azure DataBricks ImportError: cannot import name dataclass_transform Question: I have a python notebook running the following imports on a DataBricks cluster %pip install presidio_analyzer %pip install presidio_anonymizer import spacy.cli"en_core_web_lg") nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg") import csv import pprint import collections from typing import List, Iterable, Optional, Union, Dict import pandas as pd from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine, …

Total answers: 2

how to pass parameter to python script from a pipeline

how to pass parameter to python script from a pipeline Question: I am building an Azure Data Factory pipeline and I would like to know how to get this parameter into the python script. The python script is located in Databricks (DBFS) and is run from Azure DataFactory. So, in my ADF pipeline, I have …

Total answers: 1