
Python pytest in Azure DevOps – ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'core'

Python pytest in Azure DevOps – ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'core' Question: I have my DevOps pipeline which is using pytest to execute unit tests found in Python code. I’m using a root folder called "core" for the main python functionality, and reference it using the following format: import unittest from core.objects.paragraph import Paragraph from …

Total answers: 2

Publishing python package into azure artifacts

Publishing python package into azure artifacts Question: Due to poor documentation I’m suffering alot to upload my Python Package to my internal Azure Artifacts: I have followed exactly like this Twine authenticate was successful however unable to upload to feed as it keeps asking username! Is my setup correct? I need to self authenticate the …

Total answers: 2

ADO how to read build information from python script started from ADO-agent

ADO how to read build information from python script started from ADO-agent Question: I am building a pipeline in Azure Devops. I have a Yaml file which is starting a python script on a self-hosted agent. Is there any way for me to read information about the pipeline which started the python script inside of …

Total answers: 1

Can I turn off parallel jobs in Azure DevOps pipeline?

Can I turn off parallel jobs in Azure DevOps pipeline? Question: I am new to Azure pipelines. I am trying to create pipeline for deploying simple python application. But I get error No hosted parallelism has been purchased or granted As I understand microsoft disabled the free grant of parallel jobs for public projects and …

Total answers: 2

How to cache pip packages within Azure Pipelines

How to cache pip packages within Azure Pipelines Question: Although this source provides a lot of information on caching within Azure pipelines, it is not clear how to cache Python pip packages for a Python project. How to proceed if one is willing to cache Pip packages on an Azure pipelines build? According to this, …

Total answers: 3