
Using the right api_version of the azure SDK

Using the right api_version of the azure SDK Question: I am trying to verify the existence of some resources in my tenant. I use the ResourceManagementClient to do so, either the check_existence_by_id method or get_by_id as described in this issue. My script uses a constant api_version for now, "2022-09-01", which apparently isn’t supported for every …

Total answers: 1

How to assign a Azure ML compute instance to a user using python SDK

How to assign a Azure ML compute instance to a user using python SDK Question: How to I assign a compute instance to a user using python SDK? Right now I’m connecting to my workspace via serviceprincipal authentication using the following code sniped with the python sdk from azureml.core import Workspace from azureml.core.authentication import ServicePrincipalAuthentication …

Total answers: 2

Write zip to Blob storage Azure

Write zip to Blob storage Azure Question: I’m trying to zip files present in container ‘input’ and move them to container ‘output’. I’m using python SDK # connection to blob storage via Azure Python SDK connection_string = "myConnectionString" blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(connection_string) # get container client input_container = blob_service_client.get_container_client(container="input") # filename filename = "document_to_zip.pdf" # init …

Total answers: 2