
can you download azureml models registred in a workspace to a local folder?

can you download azureml models registred in a workspace to a local folder? Question: I want to download all model pickle files which are registered in azureml workspace to a local folder. is this possible? using python only don’t want to manually download each pickle file using ui Asked By: paul || Source Answers: once …

Total answers: 1

azureml not reading additional json file

azureml not reading additional json file Question: I have a json file which I am using in however, it is not being found. When making a post request to the endpoint I get the following error "No such file or directory: ‘/var/azureml-app/model_adjustments.json’" json file is in the same folder as and calling …

Total answers: 1

How to delete azureml dataset if it already exists

How to delete azureml dataset if it already exists Question: Created an azure ml dataset. how do I delete the dataset if it already exists? #register dataset path=’path’ file_ds=Dataset.File.from_files(path=path) file_ds=file_ds.register(workspace=ws,name="Dataset") Asked By: muhammad || Source Answers: AFAIK, as of now, deleting the dataset using AzureML Python SDK is not possible via delete.datasets(). But it might …

Total answers: 1