
I keep getting <WSGIRequest GET: '/create-link-token'>; trouble connecting django to plaid api

I keep getting <WSGIRequest GET: '/create-link-token'>; trouble connecting django to plaid api Question: I’m trying to connect my Django backend to Plaid’s API but I’ve been stuck on how to only return the body from the Object. This is the traceback I’m getting: Request Method: GET Request URL: Django Version: 4.0.6 Python Version: 3.9.2 …

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fastapi logging error and swagger is not working

fastapi logging error and swagger is not working Question: I’m making a rest API using fastapi. I just wonder why I get below messages whenever I execute my server. INFO: Started server process [97154] INFO: Waiting for application startup. INFO: Application startup complete. — Logging error — Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.10/logging/", line …

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FastAPI server returns "422 unprocessable entity" – value_error.missing

FastAPI server returns "422 unprocessable entity" – value_error.missing Question: from http.client import responses from random import randrange from tkinter.tix import STATUS from typing import Optional from urllib import response from fastapi import Body, FastAPI, Response ,status, HTTPException from pydantic import BaseModel app= FastAPI() class Post(BaseModel): title: str content: str Published: bool = True rating: Optional[int] …

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FastAPI conflict path parameter in endpoint – good practices?

FastAPI conflict path parameter in endpoint – good practices? Question: I am creating 2 GET methods for a resource student using FastAPI. I’m looking to GET a student in 2 ways: by student_id or by student_name. The issue is that, I initially created the 2 endpoints as follows @app.get("/student/{student_name}", response_model=schemas.Student, status_code=200) def get_student_by_name(student_name: str, db: …

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WSGI application 'mysite.wsgi.application' could not be loaded; Error importing module

WSGI application 'mysite.wsgi.application' could not be loaded; Error importing module Question: I use django 3.1.1 and Python 3.8.5. I want to create simple blog. I use some old code in which programmer used django 1.11 probably, so I change many things, but now I’m stuck I get error raise ImproperlyConfigured( django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: WSGI application ‘mysite.wsgi.application’ could …

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How to explicitly access mjpeg backend for videocapture in opencv

How to explicitly access mjpeg backend for videocapture in opencv Question: When I execute following: availableBackends = [cv2.videoio_registry.getBackendName(b) for b in cv2.videoio_registry.getBackends()] print(availableBackends) I get [‘FFMPEG’, ‘GSTREAMER’, ‘INTEL_MFX’, ‘V4L2’, ‘CV_IMAGES’, ‘CV_MJPEG’]. If I now try: print(cv2.CAP_FFMPEG) print(cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER) print(cv2.CAP_INTEL_MFX) print(cv2.CAP_V4L2) print(cv2.CAP_IMAGES) print(cv2.CAP_MJPEG) all work except the last one: AttributeError: module ‘cv2.cv2’ has no attribute ‘CAP_MJPEG’ How …

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I need to update image for specific user Django

I need to update image for specific user Django Question: I need to update image for specific user Django . Now if I updating the image for specific user , image updates for all users . Is there any solutions ? Here is my code : class UserWithImage(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE) image=models.FileField(upload_to=’photos/%Y/%m/%d/’,null=True,blank=True) def …

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Django not reconnecting when PostgreSQL dies, custom backend needed?

Django not reconnecting when PostgreSQL dies, custom backend needed? Question: I have been doing some testing and have been able to confirm that using Django with PostgreSQL and PGBouncer that it does not automatically reconnect on losing it’s connection. To be honest, I am not sure if this is a bug or if this is …

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matplotlib backends – do I care?

matplotlib backends – do I care? Question: >>> import matplotlib >>> print matplotlib.rcsetup.all_backends [u’GTK’, u’GTKAgg’, u’GTKCairo’, u’MacOSX’, u’Qt4Agg’, u’Qt5Agg’, u’TkAgg’, u’WX’, u’WXAgg’, u’CocoaAgg’, u’GTK3Cairo’, u’GTK3Agg’, u’WebAgg’, u’nbAgg’, u’agg’, u’cairo’, u’emf’, u’gdk’, u’pdf’, u’pgf’, u’ps’, u’svg’, u’template’] Look at all those backends! Do I need to care which backend is in use? e.g. if I develop …

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How can I take a screenshot/image of a website using Python?

How can I take a screenshot/image of a website using Python? Question: What I want to achieve is to get a website screenshot from any website in python. Env: Linux Asked By: Esteban Feldman || Source Answers: You don’t mention what environment you’re running in, which makes a big difference because there isn’t a pure …

Total answers: 14