
Optional Output from Bazel Action? (SWIG rule for Bazel)

Optional Output from Bazel Action? (SWIG rule for Bazel) Question: I’m working on a bazel rule (using version 5.2.0) that uses SWIG (version 4.0.1) to make a python library from C++ code, adapted from a rule in the tensorflow library. The problem I’ve run into is that, depending on the contents of ctx.file.source.path, the swig …

Total answers: 2

ERROR: (wheel).whl is not a supported wheel on this platform

ERROR: (wheel).whl is not a supported wheel on this platform Question: I’m trying to build Tensorflow from source (if I install directly it works fine but I’m trying to get AVX2/FMA extensions support as I can’t use CUDA/GPU) and I’m following this tutorial to build Tensorflow 1.15 (which is needed for the project that I …

Total answers: 3

Calling gcloud from bazel genrule

Calling gcloud from bazel genrule Question: I am having some issues getting gcloud to run in a Bazel genrule. Looks like python path related issues. genrule( name=”foo”, outs=[“bar”], srcs=[“:bar.enc”], cmd=”gcloud decrypt –location=global –keyring=foo –key=bar –plaintext-file $@ –ciphertext-file $(location bar.enc)” ) The exception is: ImportError: No module named traceback From: try: gcloud_main = _import_gcloud_main() except Exception …

Total answers: 2